Can you help break up a small rock?

Charlie M

Tue 31 Jan 2017, 11:09

... and for me ... and for most of my American friends ... ;-)

Jim Holah

Sun 29 Jan 2017, 18:08

Give him a smack for me......

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Sun 29 Jan 2017, 17:16

Thanks to,you both. I started with Jim's sledgehammer and decided to picture Donald Trump as I brought it down on the rock in question. Brute force worked well in this instance.

Simon Walker

Sun 29 Jan 2017, 10:18

If it's too big for Jim's sledgehammer, I have a set of plugs-and-feathers that will split the rock into manageable chunks. The subtle approach rather than just brute force! 811414 if you think they would be a good idea.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Sat 28 Jan 2017, 23:05 (last edited on Sat 28 Jan 2017, 23:05)

Brilliant! Thanks. And only 100 yards to carry it! I'll phone you in the morning...

Jim Holah

Sat 28 Jan 2017, 22:35

I've got a sledgehammer & mattock with a pickaxe edge if that's any good? Jim

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Sat 28 Jan 2017, 22:09

I have one large rock in the garden that is too big to lift, so I need to break it into 2 or 3 pieces. Can anyone lend me a pickaxe or anything else that will break it?

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