Anti-BREXIT march, 11am 25th March, London (Debate)

Ian Staton

Sun 19 Feb 2017, 20:36

WEll done Richard!

Paul Taylor

Sun 12 Feb 2017, 16:30 (last edited on Sun 12 Feb 2017, 16:39)

Thanks again

Paul Taylor

Sun 12 Feb 2017, 16:16 (last edited on Sun 12 Feb 2017, 16:32)


graham W

Sat 11 Feb 2017, 09:48

Well said Paul Taylor, you cannot change the majority nor can you keep having a vote until you get your own way

Paul Taylor

Thu 9 Feb 2017, 17:41

Craig we live in a Country governed under a system of democracy the people voted out get used to it. When you were a child if the other kids didn't let you play did you jump up and down till you had your way. I am English and I live in Great Britain and I want to see it Great again not ruled by Europe.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 1 Feb 2017, 22:50

For those stumbling across this, Craig posted four separate times on the main board a plug for a London march.

The forum rules say as point 1 "The forum is for the discussion of Charlbury town issues", so I moved the first posting and its two successors to the Grease Pit, which is the less actively moderated board. Whenever it's been raised, the consensus among site users has always been that they prefer the site to concentrate on town issues and events; and obviously I and the other volunteer moderators have no great ambition to spend our evenings moderating a general politics forum. On the fourth time of posting Craig did add it as a comment to an existing thread, rather than starting a new thread, which we were happy to let stay.

This was not an acceptable course of action to Craig, whose public responses you can see here, and who threatened in private messages to me that "you cannot block [this]" and "I'll have to take this up with my councillor" (presumably Oxfordshire County Council, though what control OCC has over the independently run Charlbury website I have yet to discover!).

Craig headed his most recent thread "Resign from Charlbury Forum" so I have subsequently disabled his account in accordance with his resignation. I believe Craig lives in another nearby village so hopefully he'll find that their website is happy to publicise London events on its main pages.

Anyone who knows me will know my own politics are very strongly pro-Remain so I do find this all rather frustrating! But there are millions of websites out there for general political discussions and I'm not comfortable to see the little corner of the internet devoted to Charlbury swamped by national or international issues. Thank you for your forbearance.

Craig Richardson

Wed 1 Feb 2017, 21:50

Dear Charlburians, It seems that simply circulating information about an anti-Brexit March is not Charlbury specific enough and I have been sent to the (grease) pit. Everyone in Charlbury is currently an EU citizen and retains rights to vote. This will change soon, but were the same for the UK Parliament I'm sure there would be many discussions on the Charlbury Forum about that. As it is it seems that Robert Courts voting intentions are 'specific to Charlbury' that will be news to all Witney residents. And I'm sure that everyone in the six counties will be equally surprised to hear that they, too are 'Charlbury specific.' But changes to Charlbury's EU membership are not 'specific to Charlbury'. I'll let our MEPs know, not only have they lost a future EU, they are not any long 'specific to Charlbury', just Europe.

Goodbye, it was fun.

Craig Richardson

Tue 31 Jan 2017, 20:48

On Saturday 26th March residents in Charlbury are eligible to join an antiBrexit march, google it or look at the Greasepit. Unlike Trump, Putin or the next Dr Who this is something all Charlbury residents can influence through showing the strength of feeling.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Tue 31 Jan 2017, 08:51

Once again, the forum is for "town issues". I am not denying that Brexit will affect everyone in Charlbury. It is however not specifically a town issue.

The world is full of websites and is not the only one that people in Charlbury ever visit. There are plenty of politics-focused sites for discussion of these issues, plus the Grease Pit (hardly a sideline, it's just one click away) which we offer as a convenience so that people in Charlbury can have open, largely unmoderated discussions with other Charlbury people.

By your logic we should also be discussing Trump, Putin, term-time holiday regulations and Doctor Who on the main board, because all of these affect Charlbury. The result would be that Charlbury-specific issues would be drowned out and the town would effectively be deprived of a useful service.

Craig Richardson

Mon 30 Jan 2017, 23:29

I have recently twice posted notices of the forthcoming anti-Brexit march scheduled for London at the end of March. The details have been sidelined into the greasepit, as the Forum is supposedly only for topics effecting Charlbury Town. I hate to break it to readers but Brexit will effect everyone in Charlbury, and probably a lot more than the MP for Witney's voting intentions or endless discussion of Council mergers.

Craig Richardson

Mon 30 Jan 2017, 23:22

Richard, this is Craig Richardson, parish councillor for Spelsbury. There are items on the forum covering constituency issues, and wodc issues. You, everyone in Charlbury, and I are in a European Union constituency. So, either remove all the other political threads, or return mine to the main board. Nothing, not a squeak, of my contribution is not already in the public domain. But only this Forum has south to sideline it.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Sun 29 Jan 2017, 20:28

The posting has no specific Charlbury connection and is purely political so is better suited to the Grease Pit. As the forum rules state in prime place, "the forum is for the discussion of Charlbury town issues".

We do also ask people to post with their full first name and surname, so I would also be grateful if you could drop me a message with your surname so that you can continue to post. Thank you.

Craig Richardson

Sun 29 Jan 2017, 18:54

Yesterday I posted the following on the Forum, and was moved to the Grease Pit. There are topics in this Forum which touch on political subjects including speculations regarding the local MPs Parliamentary voting intentions. So, Second try:

Anti-Brexit campaigners Unitefor Europe are organising the biggest protest march seen in modern British history.

Details are here:
The route will be a march to Parliament. The exact route will be finalised when they have an indication of the number of marchers attending. The march will begin at Park Lane, or Pall Mall if you have a mobility restriction (see Accessibility).
Their website states We want to remain in the European Union! We value the peace, friendships, relationships, rights, business & academic collaborations, economic prosperity and outward-looking attitude that European Union membership delivers; it's best for the UK.
Brexit can be stopped. We can embolden our elected representatives. The vast majority of our MPs support our membership of the European Union, but are being railroaded into a catastrophe by reckless and incompetent leadership.

Craig Richardson

Sat 28 Jan 2017, 10:48

Anti-Brexit campaigners Unitefor Europe are organising the biggest protest march seen in modern British history.

Details are here:
The route will be a march to Parliament. The exact route will be finalised when they have an indication of the number of marchers attending. The march will begin at Park Lane, or Pall Mall if you have a mobility restriction (see Accessibility).
Their website states We want to remain in the European Union! We value the peace, friendships, relationships, rights, business & academic collaborations, economic prosperity and outward-looking attitude that European Union membership delivers; it's best for the UK.
Brexit can be stopped. We can embolden our elected representatives. The vast majority of our MPs support our membership of the European Union, but are being railroaded into a catastrophe by reckless and incompetent leadership.

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