Woolly Hugs - THANK YOU!

Meraud Ferguson Hand

Mon 6 Feb 2017, 11:39

Hello Nicola,

The notices and emails have said 6-inch or 12-inch squares, crocheted or knitted, in acrylic double-knit, so if you've heard any differently it would be useful to know where it was (if not just word of mouth!) so I can make any corrections to the info.

I'm also collecting hand-knitted/crocheted clothing (not 2nd-hand commercial knits, the scheme doesn't take those). These can be in any yarn - the specification for the squares is so they can all be mixed together into blankets.

I'm also happy to receive acrylic double-knit yarn. People are welcome to ask for some to use for the project, otherwise I'll be using it for joining squares.

There are two collection boxes: one in St. Mary's next to the food bank and lost property boxes, and one in the book room at the Corner House.

Both have yellow lids, and instructions/my contact details on the top. I usually check them about once a week, but if people let me know they're full I can do it in between, too.

I hope that clarifies things a bit!

Nicola Morgan

Sat 28 Jan 2017, 15:44

I'm finding mixed info about the blankets; can you confirm the size required?

Nicola Morgan

Sat 28 Jan 2017, 09:37

This needs 48 stitches on 10mm needles, preferably with a border to aid stitching up.

Meraud Ferguson Hand

Mon 23 Jan 2017, 15:41

Just a note to say a HUGE thank you to all the people who have been contributing knitted and crocheted squares for blankets to send to refugees.

I've been overwhelmed by the number of items that have been appearing in the boxes (I should have used bigger ones, perhaps!).

I'll be emptying them tomorrow again, and am just finishing off joining the earliest arrivals into our first blanket.

Many thanks, again, and if anyone else would like to be involved, this is the project information:

Woolly Hugs (charity registration number 116741) is an online community of people making and collecting knitted and crocheted items for a variety of important causes.

One of their current projects is making blankets and other items for refugees. I thought that there might be a number of people in Charlbury who would want to contribute!

I have put a small (labelled) plastic collection box in the book room upstairs in the Corner House, and another next to the food bank box in St. Mary's.

I'm also happy to collect items directly from people who might like to contribute but are not able to get out and about.

If you have spare acrylic double-knit yarn but no time to make anything, that would be useful too, because I could pass it around to others with no yarn and more time!

Woolly Hugs' requirements are listed below, but please feel free to email me on MeraudFH@gmail.com, or call me on 810151 if you'd like further information.

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