Food Bank

Mary Heckman

Tue 24 Jan 2017, 16:31 (last edited on Tue 24 Jan 2017, 20:17)

No need to drive to Kidlington. With food bank collection boxes at both St. Mary's Church and the Baptist Church,which are collected regularly by the food bank, donating could not be easier.

Amanda Epps

Tue 24 Jan 2017, 12:25

There is a box in Waitrose where food can be left for the Witney Food Bank. Isn't it easier for residents of this area to get there. If they don't have transport it costs a fortune to get to Kidlington from here which defeats the object of the exercise.

Leah Fowler

Mon 23 Jan 2017, 14:48

The box at St Marys is just inside the door on the left under the table. I know of at least one person not from the church who donates very regularly.

Hugh Belshaw

Mon 23 Jan 2017, 11:04

If setting up a secular foodbank collection point in Charlbury would increase the amount of food donated then go ahead and set one up. That would seem to me to be rather a waste of resources, however, as it would duplicate collection points and transport to the distribution warehouse.
I am sure there has been publicity about collection points in the past but will try to ensure that this is repeated in coming months.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Sun 22 Jan 2017, 18:35

Obviously it's silly to collect for two foodbanks! Unless they are very different.

The North Oxfordshire Foodbank is a Christian group

Leah's point seems to me to be valid: surely there should be publicity beyond the confines of the churches. Or if the existing scheme really is for and by church people only, then there is scope for support for a secular foodbank, which is what the Witney scheme appears to offer. I think the question really is whether Churches Together in Charlbury want to open their collection to all, with the associated posters and collection point(s).

Maybe there has already been an article on all this in the Chronicle.

Leah Fowler

Fri 20 Jan 2017, 12:21 (last edited on Fri 20 Jan 2017, 12:29)

I agree with Jon, there should be more publicity. Christians don't have the monopoly on compassion

Hugh Belshaw

Fri 20 Jan 2017, 11:41

The Baptist Church co-ordinates collection of food on behalf of Churches Together in Charlbury and it is collected weekly by the North Oxfordshire Foodbank based in Kidlington. Their distribution of food parcels covers Charlbury & Chipping Norton, etc. I think having an alternative collection for Witney would only confuse.

Heather Williams

Thu 19 Jan 2017, 17:32

Any chance food from the co-op could be donated at the end of the day/week? Great PR for the Co-op but also there is so much food wasted!

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 19 Jan 2017, 16:44

In that case, another probably isn't needed. They must be 'unofficial' in the sense that individuals are taking the food into Witney. It does mean that the Witney Food Bank is apparently unaware of them, and says there is no collection point in Charlbury.

Should there be more publicity here?

Leah Fowler

Thu 19 Jan 2017, 13:44

There is already a food bank collection in Charlbury,there is certainly a box in St Mary's and the Baptist church and there may be others.

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