Cricket Field

Gary Walker

Sat 12 May 2007, 10:26

Footage of the mystery train journey went out last night on Ch4 T-Mobile: Transmission, showing the guests arriving at Charlbury Station, walking along to the Cricket Club, and footage of the gig. All looked fantastic.

Given the very nature of the T-Mobile Street Gigs, I doubt they'll be back to Charlbury any time soon.

John Munro

Thu 10 May 2007, 22:29

Derek, thanks for the reply. As I said, I am not per se against these sorts of event and I am sure that our hosts would have been more than happy with a brief note in advance. Might be an idea to do so in advance of the wedding reecption!

Derek Collett

Thu 10 May 2007, 21:28

John and Kate - I fully appreciate your concerns and will bring them up at our next committee meeting which is due to take place next week. Didn't know anything about the lorries reversing at 7 am - sounds horrendous! I accept that a leaflet informing those living in the vicinity that a private party was due to take place would have been a thoughtful act.

As I said before Kate, this was very much a one-off and to my knowledge there are no plans to repeat the experience. There is a wedding reception due to take place at the ground in July but I sincerely hope that will go off without undue disturbance to local residents.

John Munro

Thu 10 May 2007, 20:39

Obviously understand that things needed to be kept secret and certainly don't want to appear to be a killjoy or negative about these initiatives, as I am fully in favour of events that help finance local clubs and charities etc, but for the future maybe just a quiet word to the nearby property owners might have helped smooth things over...all that was required was a quiet word warning that there was a private party organised with some live music, finishing at 10pm would have gone a long way to smooth things in advance!...That way the near neighbours could have at least planned ahead for their Saturday night. As it was, we had been invited around to one of the houses overlooking the cricket ground for quiet late afternoon drink and evening barbeque, but had to retreat indoors in the evening to simply continue a decent conversation with our hosts. Had our hosts been given some sort of advance tip-off, they could have re-arranged the evening or organised a normal indoor dinner! As I said, I don't want to appear to be a spoilsport and certainly enjoy all the music events etc that take place in the area.

Kate Smith

Thu 10 May 2007, 13:09

I am thoroughly in favour of the cricket club, and impressed by all the voluntary hours which are put in on all sides to keep it going. I am also delighted that they have no doubt made a sizable contibution to funds by hosting the event, but can't help feeling as one of the nearest neighbours that some kind of notification would have been polite/politic as the event also involved loads of lorries to-ing and fro-ing, beeping their reversing horns at 7ish on Saturday morning etc. It wouldn't have cost much or given away any secrets to have sent round an apologetic note in advance surely? Also beginning to feel uneasy that this could spring on us anytime any weekend - is there a game plan?


Thu 10 May 2007, 11:00

Yeh it a good thing, I sat out in the garden with a clear view of the place listening and enjoyed a good night!

J Norris

Thu 10 May 2007, 09:25

I think it is great that Charlbury is becoming so music orientated. With Cornbury taking off, the Riverside back and now this, Charlbury could really make a name for itself.

Derek Collett

Wed 9 May 2007, 23:10

Derek makes a very salient point - had we advertised the fact that a secret gig was taking place then it would no longer have been secret and might have been inundated with fans/gatecrashers, who would have caused far more problems than the gig itself did. All we could really have done would have been to have put up posters saying "Something is happening on Saturday evening - don't be alarmed" which would not have been very helpful or informative.

As a member of the Cricket Club Committee that voted in favour of the event going ahead I obviously have to take some blame/responsibility for what happened on Saturday. I was in London when it started but got back to Charlbury at about 8.30 pm. As I walked up the hill from the station I have to say that the noise was utterly cacophonous. I go to rock concerts regularly so know something about loud music but it appeared to me that the degree of amplification was totally unsuitable for the occasion - the organizers seemed to think they were staging an outdoor festival rather than a small gig in a marquee. If I lived in the vicinity of the cricket ground but was not a member of the club I might well have complained about the noise!

Having said all that, I understand from a fellow committee member that the music had been much quieter earlier in the evening and that it stopped promptly at 10 o'clock. I apologise to you John if you were disturbed - hopefully it won't happen again.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 9 May 2007, 15:30

Couple of relevant blog postings: here and here.


Wed 9 May 2007, 14:45


wouldn't have been a secret then, would it.

John Munro

Sun 6 May 2007, 16:23

Just a shame that local residents weren't pre-warned/politely advised about the event in advance!


Sat 5 May 2007, 19:56

and they have vol-au-vents!!


Sat 5 May 2007, 19:48

Hi, my husband is there!! its with t-mobile. he won a competition to see get cape, wear cape, fly! there is around 200 people there. he got on a train at oxford for a secret gig!!


Sat 5 May 2007, 17:50

Its something to with T-MOBILE. Theres around 300 peolple coming down from Oxford and a few bands playing, so iv heard...

kate Davis

Sat 5 May 2007, 17:28

No i was thinking the same thing. Any one got any idea?


Sat 5 May 2007, 16:57

Anyone have any idea whats going on down there?

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