Wilderness 2017 Local Resident Ticket Information

Elaine Newbold

Fri 12 May 2017, 13:45

Local Wilderness discounted OX7 3 Adult Tickets have now sold out we have a few Tier 2 tickets @ £139 available

Elaine Newbold

Tue 11 Apr 2017, 11:37

Last Few Wilderness tickets are still available - Please do not leave it too long to avoid being disappointed only a few adult discounted tickets left @ £115 the next tier will be @ £139

Elaine Newbold

Tue 7 Feb 2017, 11:04

Due to Staff holidays Wilderness tickets will not be available for sale for one week the 13th-19 Feb 2017 and back on sale on the 20th Feb 2017 sorry for any inconvenience. so please come this week or after the 20th thank you Charlbury Post Office

Charlie M

Thu 12 Jan 2017, 07:45 (last edited on Thu 12 Jan 2017, 07:57)

Firstly, I have never been to Wilderness, but I really do get the impression that it is a typical modern rip-off venture. Beer at £5-6? You've got to be joking, surely?! At Cropredy Festival, which I attend (this year it will be 40 years since my first Cropredy!), and which is normally the same weekend, they charge around £4-£4.50 for a pint of real ale.

Also, I gather that at this event they prevent you from bringing in your own food and drinks (unlike at Cropredy). That for me has always sounded warning bells!

And why are there limited numbers of local discounted tickets? Rather than "discounted tickets", it sounds to me more a case of "how much can we rip the locals off and get away with it?"!

Just my tuppenny-hap'orth ... feel free to shoot me down in flames! :-)

PS: On another aspect - I should add that I live comparatively near the festival site, and have absolutely no complaint about the noise whatsoever.

russell robson

Wed 11 Jan 2017, 17:21

Perhaps do what the aussies do at big events. Break in early to Cornbury, bury some beers in a quiet place and excavate them when you are in. The other option is drink gin or cocktails, more bangs for you bucks. Though I do not condone any form of criminal act or using alcohol inappropriately.

James Styring

Wed 11 Jan 2017, 14:06

Never mind the ticket prices, what about the £5 they charge for a small beer? Rubbish! Even late at night in the Pit for a warm can of beer straight out of a 4-pack it was £5. Or was it £6? My memory is hazy. I am planning to drone in cold beers instead - does anyone want to go halves on a load-carrying drone?

Liz Gupta

Tue 10 Jan 2017, 11:36

Hi, its also a real shame that the Pre School will not be able to raise funds a the festival. We actually made a loss last year (the pig roast stall was not in a great location and we just cant compete with all the food stalls). I really hope Wilderness are able to work with the Pre school to come up with a plan for 2018. I will keep my fingers crossed...

Elaine Newbold

Tue 10 Jan 2017, 09:13

Adult tickets are the same price as last year

Paul Taylor

Tue 10 Jan 2017, 08:17

This proves they don't care about locals increase prices that's making you ones that were backing it start to moan now. Perhaps the sound that comes from there might disturb you if you can't afford to go or don't want to go.

Vickie J

Mon 9 Jan 2017, 19:14 (last edited on Mon 9 Jan 2017, 19:19)

Totally agree Miles. It's very disappointing that Wilderness keep increasing the price for local residents.

Peter Kenrick

Mon 9 Jan 2017, 15:47

The Wilderness Team will be holding drop-in sessions in the Cornbury Room behind The Bell at 1pm and 6:30pm on Tuesday 17th January so please call in to hear the latest update and to let the team have your comments and concerns. Thanks Charlotte & Dave for doing this.

Miles Walkden

Mon 9 Jan 2017, 14:33

Wow, the cost of our family (2 adults and 2 children under 10) has gone up from originally £150 to £300. That is going to price out a lot of locals. Is that a good idea? Surely you would want to keep them on-board?

Tim at Cotswold Frames

Sun 8 Jan 2017, 17:31

Last year wilderness kindly provided parking tickets foc for locals as a lot of locals like to camp over the festival is this being offered again foc as depite being local caming gear is a heavy lot to lug upto site by hand and £15 is a lot to drop off camping gear and drive back to town..

Charlotte Drummond-Chew

Sat 7 Jan 2017, 22:15

Hello and Happy New Year Everyone, Charlotte from Wilderness here.

I am pleased to announce that we will be releasing discounted weekend tickets to Wilderness 2017 to local residents on the 19th January.

Please read the information below to avoid disappointment.

Adult tickets will be discounted to residents within the postcode OX7 3**
Available from the Charlbury Post Office, 8 Market Street, Charlbury
From: Thursday 19th January

Local Discounted Adult Tickets (18+): £115
Teen (13-17): £105
Junior (6-12): £35
Child (0-5): £5
Car Parking: £15

All tickets will be available on a first-come, first-served basis
Tier 2 local adult tickets will be available one these have gone for £139

Please provide the following in order to collect your tickets:
• A photocopy of a recent utility bill or bank statement within the last 3 months including a full name and address containing the post code 0X7 3**
• A credit/debit card, passport or driving licence in which the full name matches that of the utility bill

You will be able to book a maximum of 4 adult tickets per household.

Kind regards,

Charlotte DC
Wilderness Event Manager

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