Trevor Taylor |
Sun 8 Jan 2017, 16:07 STATION LIGHTING |
Rod Evans |
Sun 8 Jan 2017, 12:51 As another near neighbour, I also agree with Kate re the lighting. There are safety issues of course but surely no need for all the tall street lights to be on all night, a cause of light pollution (see new Local Plan para 8.66) and a waste of energy. And if not of huge importance, you might also ask what the point is of the large blue sign at the site entrance where no car driver is going to look at it! |
Christine Battersby |
Fri 6 Jan 2017, 14:15 (last edited on Fri 6 Jan 2017, 14:17) Trevor, It's not a parking matter, but please could you ask when tickets to Oxford Parkway will be available from the ticket machine at Charlbury. They are available online, with a return offering a huge saving, but not at the machine. |
Jim Holah |
Fri 6 Jan 2017, 09:49 Cctv can run on infra lights required |
Kate Smith |
Fri 6 Jan 2017, 09:36 I think that this has come up for discussion before and GWR (or rather the parking operators) claimed that they 'can't' turn the lights off because firstly they have the wrong sort of switch (so the whole light would need to be replaced) and second that they couldn't run the CCTV at night if the carpark is not lit - but it would be fantastic if they could! As a near neighbour the light pollution is a big factor (13 years ago before they had all the lights there were more stars!) but it also seems so wasteful to have lights burning all night with no one using them. |
Jim Holah |
Thu 5 Jan 2017, 21:54 Quite agree with Kate, lets have the lights on motion sensors at all of the local stations (2 trains a day at Ascott UW & lights on all night !) so that they are only on when people are actually on site. Energy saving and reduces light pollution |
Trevor Taylor |
Thu 5 Jan 2017, 14:45 Christine & Frank, All well made points. I'll pursue with GWR and report back. Trevor. |
Frank Payne |
Thu 5 Jan 2017, 14:36 The waiting time of 20 minutes is rather brief, particularly if meeting a train that is late, which happens quite often. |
Christine Battersby |
Thu 5 Jan 2017, 13:50 Trevor, the payment machines for parking seem to be frequently out of order (all of them!), and I understood from somebody who had not used the system before that his attempts to follow the instructions to pay by phone produced no quick results. Also, do any of the machines actually take cash? The chap had tried to phone to no avail had not spotted the notice about the 20 minute grace period -- hardly surprising given that the text is so small. Also, is it visible in the dark? Also, is it clear where cars can wait for up to 20 minutes when picking up passengers? Most people I speak to at the station who are waiting for passengers & who are strangers to the area had not spotted the notice. What is needed is something like an option to pay a reduced amount for an hour, and this to be payable by cash -- using functional machines, of course. |
Susan Way |
Thu 5 Jan 2017, 11:28 Should read - can be improved! |
Susan Way |
Thu 5 Jan 2017, 11:27 Please ask if the road drainage an vein proved, especially next to the footpath into the station. I've been soaked twice after heavy rain by impatient car drivers driving fast through the standing water,and it isn't nice! |
Trevor Taylor |
Thu 5 Jan 2017, 10:34 Kate, is the reason for turning off the light 'light pollution' or energy saving? |
Kate Smith |
Thu 5 Jan 2017, 09:59 I don't suppose there's any chance of persuading them to turn the lights off after the last train? |
Trevor Taylor |
Thu 5 Jan 2017, 09:49 I am shortly due to review with GWR the parking issues highlighted here previously. Has everything been now been resolved to everyone's satisfaction? Are there any outstanding problems, or indeed new ones, which need flagging up to GWR management? I'd be grateful for feedback, positive or negative. |
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