Dog Faeces

Lucy Mitchell

Tue 13 Dec 2016, 15:09

I agree Claire, a more prominent sign would be welcome. Is there a threat of fines on it do you know?

Lucy Mitchell

Tue 13 Dec 2016, 15:08

How horrid Ann, that's a sad story. With two young children I also find myself incensed to come across dog mess in all manner of public areas in Charlbury, in the playground being the worst! It's unbelievably thoughtless behaviour. I'm a huge dog lover and do agree that most dog owners are responsible and clean up but it's just those few who spoil it for everyone. How to stop them, I've no idea- apart from taking them to task if caught in the act!

Claire Wilding

Tue 13 Dec 2016, 10:52

There is a sign asking owners to keep dogs on leads around the nine acres play park but it seems to be ignored by most people - perhaps it needs to be more prominent?

Judith Haynes

Mon 12 Dec 2016, 22:06

I couldn't agree more, Michael. I have been arguing this for years! I get very angry when I see dog poo on Nineacres in particular but it's very difficult to control. At least if I see dogs not on leads I do speak to the owners, but often get very surprised reactions that this should be a problem!

michael youngson

Mon 12 Dec 2016, 19:28

why dogs are even allowed in children's play areas is beyond me!! Mad really when Charlbury is surrounded by fields!!!!

Amanda Epps

Mon 12 Dec 2016, 11:10

I agree heartily with Ann and Lesley. To those who seem to think that it's OK to allow your dog to poo on others gardens, please show some consideration for those who may through age and ill health have great difficulty in cleaning up after your pet.

Lesley Algar

Mon 12 Dec 2016, 10:58 (last edited on Mon 12 Dec 2016, 10:59)

Most dog owners including myself are very responsible and always clean up.I was walking around the Green this morning to find more dog mess. It is just the few who give dog owners a bad name.

Ann Harper

Sun 11 Dec 2016, 19:25

This event happened 3 weeks ago but I was so angry I thought I had better cool down or it would end up in the grease pit.

My daughter came for the weekend with her 2 year old son and we went up to the Town on Saturday morning. Somehow while getting out of his pushchair outside the Corner House he slipped and put his hand straight into a pile of dog poo. He was upset but obviously had to be cleaned up. To make up, my daughter took him to Nineacres to play on the children's equipment. And guess what, he almost straight away stepped into some more dog poo which he managed to get not only on his shoes, but on his clothes as well. So back home to be cleaned up again and his clothes washed.

I am not anti-dog, in fact I'm very fond of most dogs, but please dog-owners clean up after your pooch - it's an offence not to. Also you can catch a disease from dog mess which can cause blindness.


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