Town PollTomorrow 8th december

Phil Morgan

Mon 12 Dec 2016, 11:26

Less than the price of a packet of crisps per month. Not bad value in my view. And still a lower local levy than most of our neighbouring communities. The 518 people who walked out in the dark last Thursday have declared a definitive opinion - 67% yes to the Gifford Trust, 74% yes to the Football Club. Time to congratulate rather than recriminate I think.

Nick Millea

Mon 12 Dec 2016, 08:57

Charlbury at its best - great result, and fantastic to see the community pulling together.

stephen cavell

Sat 10 Dec 2016, 09:15

I hope that the good people of Charlbury, including those who will be living in the new 'affordable housing' will be able to afford these new community assets. I look forward to seeing the business plan to run the facilities.

Mark Sulik

Sat 10 Dec 2016, 00:22

Happy with 21p per week

russell robson

Fri 9 Dec 2016, 22:27

Hurrah, can't wait to use both facilities.

Sarah McVey

Fri 9 Dec 2016, 21:55

Great news, community spirit alive and well. I'm sure that those who wish to use the facilities did turn up, but equally those strongly against would also have turned up to have their say. The non-voters ambivalent and not worried about the result either way?

Miles Walkden

Fri 9 Dec 2016, 14:07

Fantastic news. I knew Charlbury folk were not so mean spirited as to deny the funds, even if they were not involved directly. Better than my predictions about the brexit and the US election.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 9 Dec 2016, 13:56

I'm not Mr Merry (and we can be friendly enough to use first names here, can't we? :) ), but the turnout was similar to but very slightly higher than the two comparable polls in the District recently (the Woodstock Town Poll and the Chipping Norton Neighbourhood Plan Referendum).

Jean Adams

Fri 9 Dec 2016, 13:06

Was this a 'reasonable turnout' Mr Merry?

Tony Morgan

Fri 9 Dec 2016, 12:46

I can see that 85p a month is a lot to pay for the range of facilities which will be provided, particularly for Charlbury youth, & funded mainly with the 1.8m already raised!

Richard Cocks

Fri 9 Dec 2016, 12:23

Do we really believe that a 1 in 5 turn-out for this poll is representative? It is more likely to be the result of a good (organised?)turn out of those who wish to use these facilities which will now, subject to the Town Council's vote, be funded in the main by the rest of the community.

Michael Taylor

Fri 9 Dec 2016, 06:00

Congratulations to everyone concerned with both projects.
As a matter of interest, what were the contingency plans for The Gifford Trust had the result been no?

Chris Tatton

Thu 8 Dec 2016, 21:45

Really pleased to see the yes vote for both projects, especially the sports and social club, well deserved.

Tony H Merry

Thu 8 Dec 2016, 21:40

So a reasonable turnout and strong majority for both projects
The proposal to fund both by means of a Public Works Loan paid through the Town Council precept will therefore be put to the Town Council at the next full meeting
The precept which would incorporate this has already been discussed and can therefore be accepted at that meeting

Paul Taylor

Thu 8 Dec 2016, 18:41

Quite a few voting when we went down please show your support for the football club

Tony H Merry

Wed 7 Dec 2016, 19:04

If possible please vote tomorrow on the precept
In both the meeting last week and on this website there has been a lot of useful information which should help you to decide
Full details are in the Events section
This is an important decision for the Town Council to make and we really need input from as many residents as possible

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