Wilderness 2017

Elaine Newbold

Thu 15 Dec 2016, 14:12

Come along to late night shopping tomorrow at the Post Office to find out about Local Wilderness tickets 6-8pm

Jim Holah

Thu 15 Dec 2016, 14:09

Quite agree Leah

Leah Fowler

Thu 15 Dec 2016, 09:53

Take a couple of days off and go. If you can't beat them, join them

Paul Taylor

Thu 15 Dec 2016, 05:07

sleep deprivation Is a problem . I remember reading on here the amount of people complaining about the helicopters flying over head late at night these were pilots training to go into a war zone they were putting their life's at risk and I understand why they need to train and why. These helicopters came over and were gone but there was a lot of people moaning this festival starts on Thursday and goes through to Monday Mama and Company know about the problems and nothing has been done to ensure people aren't desturbed some MPs read this and perhaps they could do more to help sort this out. It will only go on and on for years to come. Yes it's a good thing to have events but there no need for the late night noise move the. Campers further away do something.

David Thomas

Wed 14 Dec 2016, 22:54

Come on guys: disruption a few nights of the year isn't that painful surely - people who live along The Slade endure suchlike most days.

Paul Taylor

Wed 14 Dec 2016, 19:34

Sorry Leah yes as you said but most people that work do 7/9 to 5

Leah Fowler

Wed 14 Dec 2016, 19:18

As I have said before, why do you assume that everyone works 9am-5pm Monday to Friday?

Paul Taylor

Wed 14 Dec 2016, 18:13

The only point I have is the finishing time on a Sunday which should never be aloud to go on as it doe. good luck to those that want to go but my life and others should not be desturbed because of others plain and simple OK some people have gone away for the weekend it's not that easy for all of us to do and should not have to why don't they move the camp site further away from the town. When Cornbury Festival was there they never had the need to keep the noise going on till 4am so why this has to go on till that time is beyond me also how can a license be issued to allow it. It comes up every year and the same things are said it's good for local company's and the school OK great now closing at 11.30 Sunday would the school lose out would local company's lose out . No is the answer so please can some one sort it out it's only right before when the license is up for renewal they may then get the go ahead at all.

russell robson

Tue 13 Dec 2016, 17:41

Hurrah Wilderness, great event and great for local people and business. Wondering what other events at Cornbury cause all the distruption!? I think I'd beware of them, being quite local.

Jim Holah

Tue 13 Dec 2016, 16:58

Briliant that Wilderness will be here again and so little disruption from such a great event

Miles Walkden

Tue 13 Dec 2016, 16:40

Fantastic news its coming back. Helen,did you get any update on who's playing?

Alan Wilson

Tue 13 Dec 2016, 14:25

Yes, Christopher, the Wilderness festival is only once a year, and it doesn't even last a full week from beginning to end!

Of course there are also lots of other once-a-year events at the same venue that also disrupt the lives of locals.....

christopher edeson

Tue 13 Dec 2016, 13:31

its once a year and brings lots of people and money to the area, cannot be that much of an issue can it?

Boots sell good earplugs FYI!

Paul Taylor

Mon 5 Dec 2016, 18:57

Thanks Helen Mama and Company Know about the noise and the disturbance it causes to locals and have done from day one perhaps they could move the campsite further away but every year the same problem I have stated on here people enjoying them selfs is great but some people can't possibly move away for that time of the year and they shouldn't have to either why they don't stop at 11pm Sunday and simply let it go quiet no need to disturb any one past that time.

Helen Bessemer-Clark

Mon 5 Dec 2016, 16:51

Last week I met in London with Charlotte DC (Wilderness Event Manager) and Dave McCalmont (Production Director) and we had a most useful discussion about Wilderness, and the late noise on Sunday evening.

While appreciating the good and enjoyment that Wilderness brings to everyone, there are yet many of us…

Long post - click to read full text

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