Market Street closure this week

Amanda Epps

Tue 6 Dec 2016, 12:24

Each time Market Street has been closed the disabled bay (intended for easy access to the Pharmacy) has been coned off even though the work has been much further down the Street. I know it's one way but were the cones to be placed a few yards further on, the disabled could do a 3 point turn after using the bay. Blue Badge holders face enough difficulties as it is with residents who park in their bays illegally. You know who you are! I saw 2 of you do so outside the Coop in 10 minutes last week.

Brian Murray

Mon 5 Dec 2016, 14:37

The notice Richard refers to in his News posting states 'A clear diversion will be signed for vehicles'. At 12.45 there was no signage apart from 'Road closed' etc at the point of closure and an arrow directing traffic along Sheep Street. Thereafter - NOTHING. The contractors concerned are treating people with contempt.

Elaine Newbold

Mon 5 Dec 2016, 14:14

No warning at all at the Post Office !!!! what should be one of the busiest weeks of the year for the Post Office -- not good for business at all .

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