Thames Water - Leak Repairs

Amanda Epps

Mon 12 Dec 2016, 11:27

I was on the Town Council when the scheme was introduced on Dyers Hill. Leah is quite right that OCC ( the highway authority) said that we could not have residents parking. I don't remember the single yellow line area opposite Church Lane appearing on the map we had. I do clearly remember us telling OCC that the parking regulations for Church Lane ( meaning they had to move their cars to the other side of the road in the middle of the day) wouldn't work. We were told that it had been very successful elsewhere. So they did it anyway. I subsequently found that they were referring to an estate near Didcot Station where this scheme was working to prevent commuters parking there. However, those houses had long drives for the residents to park unlike Church Lane.
I went with the 3 residents who refused to pay the parking fine because they had not moved their cars. The magistrates were horrified when the situation was explained to them, that residents could not come home to move the car in the middle of the day and that if some did and some didn't, the road would be impassable for emergency vehicles and funerals. They gave the Church Lane 3 an absolute discharge, the chairman saying it was the first time he had done so for 15 years and the whole idea was ludicrous.
They have recently been fined again after a change of staff at WODC who was not aware of the history.

Leah Fowler

Sun 11 Dec 2016, 20:27 (last edited on Sun 11 Dec 2016, 22:12)

We did have meetings back then you know, it was whoever was representing the Highways Department of the Oxfordshire County Council, I didn't say it still aplied, but I imagine it does as there has been such a problem in Church Lane.There wouldn't be a lot of point in residence parking unless it was monitored.

vicky burton

Sun 11 Dec 2016, 19:52 (last edited on Sun 11 Dec 2016, 21:45)

Who said that Leah?
Surely if the majority of residents want this (nobody has raised objections so far) this should be the case. Oh let me guess; no money for signs. How much do signs and paint cost?

Leah Fowler

Sat 10 Dec 2016, 18:21

When the yellow lines were first put in we were told that you can't have residents parking unless there is a full time warden, the residents of Church Lane have had to go to appeal when they were given parking tickets.

Heather Williams

Sat 10 Dec 2016, 16:56

Would some sort of residents permit work then anyone who does not live there, eg train users, would get a ticket? surely this would help the residents, I lived in Banbury in a terraced row and I know how annoying it can be when you get home from work and you can't park!

Mark Sulik

Sat 10 Dec 2016, 15:23

The most suitable and logical solution would to just FINISH THE JOB , all that is needed is half a cubic meter of Tarmac and a gang, who will be able to lay said Tarmac in less than an hour. All back to normal

Harriet Baldwin

Sat 10 Dec 2016, 14:38

Houses on both sides of the road have no off street parking. If they can't park outside their houses, where in Charlbury will they park?

Heather Williams

Sat 10 Dec 2016, 13:46

That does make sense, with perhaps a residents permit??or something similar.

Phil Morgan

Sat 10 Dec 2016, 13:07

Philip's comment makes perfect sense. ONE SIDE ONLY on Dyers Hill.

Amanda Epps

Sat 10 Dec 2016, 11:56

I heartily agree with Philip that the parking should be on one side of the road. There is poor visibility of on-coming traffic if you approach from either direction and at times there can be lengthy queues.

Philip Ambrose

Thu 8 Dec 2016, 22:58

As a by-product of this "crisis" doesn't it make real sense to allow parking on ONE SIDE ONLY of Dyers Hill?

Alan Cobb

Wed 7 Dec 2016, 17:55

Although there is a movement sensor, I think the lights are also on a timer, as they change to green with no cars (apart from parked ones) around. I'm getting quite attached to the hole, will be sorry to see it go. It makes crossing the road in the rush hour much easier.

Heather Williams

Wed 7 Dec 2016, 17:21

Worked yesterday and today at 8.50am and 16.50pm, all ok. Just wished they would fill the bloody hole in!

Susie Burnett

Wed 7 Dec 2016, 17:02

On Monday afternoon the lights were definitely not working - I tried reversing and re-approaching them several times, but they didn't change, and the same for those approaching from the opposite direction. In the end, both sides had to chance it, which wasn't ideal given the level of parked cars already causing the road to be single lane.

Paul Taylor

Wed 7 Dec 2016, 07:26

The lights won't work correctly if a car waiting at the lights can't get to with in a few meters of the lights. Ring Clancy Docwra direct at Kidlington.

Mark Sulik

Mon 5 Dec 2016, 21:16

The parking on Dyers Hill is best it has ever been, now with the restrictions preventing the station users depositing their cars for days on end as they used to. Maybe, just maybe, the traffic lights are positioned in the wrong location ? Also, they broke down and stuck on red both ways.

Alan Cobb

Mon 5 Dec 2016, 20:19

Traffic flow would probably be better without any traffic lights - at least no worse than usual!

Peter Evans

Mon 5 Dec 2016, 19:02

Yes just as bad this evening on Dyers Hill - they even seem to ignore the "No Parking" bollards

Heather Williams

Mon 5 Dec 2016, 18:59

Oh the joys of commuting into Charlbury, people are always parking badly on Dyers Hill no change there but with traffic lights as well!!!! I had to stop half way down the hill this morning to allow people to negoitate parked cars before I could get anywhere near the "wait hear when red" sign.

Alan Cobb

Mon 5 Dec 2016, 18:09

So how long is it going to take Thames Water to fill in the hole?

Peter Evans

Mon 5 Dec 2016, 07:20

This morning at 5:30 some very inconvenient parking was obstructing both the uphill and downhill traffic lights. Luckily there wasn't much traffic about or it could have been impassable.

Mark Sulik

Sun 4 Dec 2016, 19:14

I started this dicussion over 4 weeks ago - how much water wasted in this time ? We are suprised that there hasn't been an accident especially with the weather turning cold ( ice on a slope/ hill ). Havoc in the morning with the traffic lights and the HGV 'S that are not allowed over the bridge - it's going to be entertaining - A good day to see chaos - or until the road is repaired- Wach out for your wing mirrors

Alan Cobb

Sun 4 Dec 2016, 14:33 (last edited on Sun 4 Dec 2016, 15:52)

Well, the leak is repaired, just leaves a big hole in the road. Presumably returning on Monday to build new manhole. In the mean time, it would be useful if drivers did not park so close to the downhill traffic lights as to obstruct traffic flow with people queuing to come up the hill.

Geoff Belcher

Sun 4 Dec 2016, 11:33

They did say to be done at night!!

Alan Cobb

Sat 3 Dec 2016, 22:35

Good Grief! Thames Water have finally started work on the leak!

Alan Cobb

Sat 3 Dec 2016, 15:39 (last edited on Sat 3 Dec 2016, 17:56)

Following on from the message relayed by Liz, all the cars were removed from the area on Dyers Hill yesterday evening. Thames Water came and looked down the hole again, went away and the water is flowing away as fast as before. Ironically, I have today had a "last chance" offer from Thames Water to do my plumbing. Don't think I will bother!

Tony H Merry

Sat 3 Dec 2016, 14:52

I would just like to endorse what Rodney has said and get as many as possible to phone Thames water d get something done quickly
Apparently the problem is a leaky gasket so not a big job that they should be able to easily and quickly repair

The telephone number is 0800 714 614. so Deluge them !

Rodney S Rose

Sat 3 Dec 2016, 12:10

OCC Highway have also demanded repair be done urgently. We have the right AND the ability to close the road within 2hours to facilitate this type of repair. We will overdo salting to hope to keep it safe in freezing conditions. Please add your voices of complaint to Thames Water, and please do not accept any statements from them that we will not cooperate.

Tony Graeme

Sat 3 Dec 2016, 12:07

Thanks, Rosemary. I take it you are following up my mention of Market St not Dyers Hill. Yes in fact I had seen that it was for work by BT. Just seems that there should have been a notice displayed somewhere before this.

Rosemary Bennett

Sat 3 Dec 2016, 10:01 (last edited on Sat 3 Dec 2016, 10:04)

Tony, I heard that the road will be closed due to services work, phone lines or something, can't quite remember the details.

Liz Leffman

Fri 2 Dec 2016, 20:30

I think the work is planned to take place tonight. OCC also gritting just in case of frost

Tony Graeme

Fri 2 Dec 2016, 20:10

TO anyone else who has received a txt msg from Thames Water to say the work is complete:
This is NOT SO. The workers have left but water is still running on the road as before.

Liz Leffman

Fri 2 Dec 2016, 16:17 (last edited on Fri 2 Dec 2016, 16:21)

Further news: Thames Water are planning to repair the leak tonight BUT they need cars on Dyers Hill moved first. If anyone has a car there please can you move it this afternoon/evening. Please pass this message on to neighbours and anyone else you know who have a car there.

Tony Graeme

Fri 2 Dec 2016, 16:08

The Elgin road info app still shows Dec 13th to 15th as the planned dates, and indicates temporary traffic lights rather than complete closure. .. . However there seems to be some activity on the hill today, with 'no parking' cones being put out by Clancy Docwra and Thames Water vans visiting.
Incidentally, the 'Elgin' app also shows Market St being closed for two days next week, 5th to 7th Dec. Have I missed something or has that been kept very quiet?

Liz Leffman

Fri 2 Dec 2016, 14:56

I have spoken to Thames Water again and apparently they are waiting for Highways to authorise the road closure for the work to be done. The permission was originally given for Dec 12th and 13th - why so far ahead I have no idea. I have also tried to speak to Highways to see if they can bring the date forward but could only speak to someone who had to then send an e mail to someone else. I will contact Rodney Rose and ask him to take this up with Highways as this is a county council matter.

Alan Cobb

Fri 2 Dec 2016, 13:54 (last edited on Fri 2 Dec 2016, 14:46)

This morning Thames Water have been, looked at the leak, found the fire hydrant full of water and gone without doing anything! What they found which they did not know after yesterday mornings visit or should have known after the visit they made at the end of October when this leak was first (umpteen time since)reported to them I don't know! Seems the police had words with Thames Water giving rise to today's effort, but no effective action and something like 100 bathtubs of water going down the hill every day.

Peter Bridgman

Thu 1 Dec 2016, 15:21

I hope Liz is able to get some action here, because fresh water from a leak will quickly wash any salt and possibly the grit away, so it will turn to ice during the next frost!

Liz Leffman

Thu 1 Dec 2016, 10:44 (last edited on Thu 1 Dec 2016, 10:45)

Possibly also because I rang them yesterday and threw my weight around as a councillor! I'm sorry I didn't get onto this sooner but I didn't realise that there was a problem till I saw the posts on the Forum, and also saw how wet the road was yesterday. Another time if you call me I will do something about it and hopefully get it sorted.

Liz Leffman

Thu 1 Dec 2016, 10:40 (last edited on Thu 1 Dec 2016, 10:45)

Heather Williams

Thu 1 Dec 2016, 07:50

Probably had to cover themselves.

Alan Cobb

Thu 1 Dec 2016, 07:47

Well, a month after first reports of the leak to them, at 3am this morning they painted a blue mark on the road and left a sign warning of ice.

Amanda Epps

Wed 30 Nov 2016, 12:07

I rang Thames Water this morning after taking someone to the station at 8.30 when the temperature was - 6. The automated system told me there were no reports of problems in my area but I persisted until I spoke to another human! I was told, as was Paul, 13 December for the repair. I pointed out that this was on a very steep hill that takes a lot of traffic on foot and wheels especially during the rush hour. I was told that they were gritting but the evidence was on only one side of the road. I hate to think what it must have been like for the first commuters. I was eventually rung back and told that my comments about the urgency had been passed on.

Phil Morgan

Wed 30 Nov 2016, 11:23

The gritting lorries have been through all the Charlbury B roads for the past 3 nights - usually about 8.00pm.

Heather Williams

Tue 29 Nov 2016, 22:11

Masses of grit on the roads in the Wychwoods noticed at 9pm this evening.

Jean Adams

Tue 29 Nov 2016, 20:21

What about gritting lorries? I have not heard them yet.

Heather Williams

Tue 29 Nov 2016, 19:30

Can anyone throw some salt down??

Peter Evans

Tue 29 Nov 2016, 19:01

Well it was very treacherous this morning and will no doubt be worse tomorrow so I hope no-one gets hurt

Paul Taylor

Tue 29 Nov 2016, 11:48

They are working with the highways for traffic management told me I believe it's going ahead on the 12/13 December

Elaine Newbold

Sat 26 Nov 2016, 18:13

Lets hope it's faster that the broadband !

Mark Sulik

Sat 26 Nov 2016, 17:58

A leak was reported 21 days from a water pipe in the middle of the road on Dyers Hill. How long does it take to repair, as the water covers the road. It's getting colder and this is going to freeze and cause an accident if not sorted.

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