David Thomas |
Thu 1 Dec 2016, 22:57 (last edited on Fri 2 Dec 2016, 09:16) People are pretty cynical when they come across mission statements and the like. Why not simply title it something along the lines of, "Charlbury: our community managing its future" and put your text Tony as the document's introduction. |
James Styring |
Thu 1 Dec 2016, 15:07 Nothing about the meeting on the CNF website but there is in the Events section of the Charlbury website: www.charlbury.info/events/4354 Thu 1 Dec: Public meeting about the Charlbury Town Survey |
James Styring |
Thu 1 Dec 2016, 15:03 Thank you Chris, the survey results at www.charlburyneighbourhoodforum.org.uk are really interesting (and in some cases really surprising). |
Chris Sharpe |
Wed 30 Nov 2016, 14:04 Initial results from the survey are now available here: www.charlburyneighbourhoodforum.org.uk |
Susie Finch
(site admin) |
Tue 29 Nov 2016, 14:05 Can I ask where the results on the neighbourhood plan are posted on the website as promised? Perhaps someone from the Neighbourhood plan can enlighten us all! |
Rosemary Bennett |
Mon 28 Nov 2016, 17:55 Rob. You said that planning decisions are not based on the numbers for and against. I am interested to hear that. That being the case I see no reason for objection. Logically, it makes no sense to object if no decision will be based on it. It may be a useful engine, although I don't understand what that implies. It has become clear on reflection that you are absolutely right about that. It also appears to make monkeys out of honest and earnest people who feel that they have a genuine cause for concern, and who believe that what they contribute might help to make a difference. It appears to me that every day brings new insight, whether one likes it, or not! |
Rosemary Bennett |
Mon 28 Nov 2016, 11:16 Rob. Thank you for your response. If I might take your second post first. 'Sustainable community' was something that Charlbury used to be, but is not, now. It meant local employers, local shops, schools and people. When we came here in 1982 it was made clear by some of the locals that we were part of the problem, not part of the solution, because we had bought a cottage that a young local person would not be able to afford. Since then we saw the gradual loss of 'local' - we had 3 grocers, a greengrocer, a butcher, a bakery, garden shop, gun shop, ironmonger, haberdasher. Six pubs, 2 banks, a building society and a chip shop. Rubbish was collected evey week, the postman rang twice, and you could go to Chipping Norton market once a week on the bus. Going down the street for a loaf took a long time on a Saturday morning, we stopped and talked to each other. It WAS a vibrant local community. Now, the town has been successfully converted into a satellite, again, undisputable. Look at the station and car park. The lower car park was allotments and you could count the number of parking spaces just outside the station entrance on one hand. So. The idea that one can maintain the uniqueness and special character is beyond my comprehension, as Charlbury, as a local community, was beginning to erode decades ago. Charlbury needs houses and garages now, because the aspiration is to live in a box and drive to the station, or to work, isn't it? Why not? There are hardly any shops, so we drive to the supermarket as well. So the cycle, just as the planning department, landowners and building companies want, and get, is for more houses and garages. The reality of the situation here is that we have already lost the special and the unique and we are inevitably becoming like 'everywhere else'. |
Rod Evans |
Sun 27 Nov 2016, 19:52 (last edited on Sun 27 Nov 2016, 22:43) Fully support Tony's opening this up - and if I haven't yet said something like this at a Forum meeting, I probably will soon! But it's only one person's view.... I don't often set much store by Mission Statements because they are usually written in such general aspiritional terms they could mean all things to all people. What do we mean, for instance, by 'a sustainable community'? BUT they are a necessary opener to neighbourhood and community plans before going on to set out a range of objectives (such as Liz's or similar) and in more detail later, how those objectives are to be achieved. So my preference is to keep them short as in Tony's first sentence though - sorry Tony - I'd prefer to put it the other way round, as in something like: This plan seeks to ensure that Charlbury continues to thrive, by meeting the economic, housing and social needs of those who live and work (t)here, while preserving and where possible enhancing its distinctive physical character and Conservation Area as well as its unique landscape setting within the Cotswolds AONB. But as I said, one person's attempt....
Rod Evans |
Sun 27 Nov 2016, 18:27 (last edited on Sun 27 Nov 2016, 22:42) A reply if I may to Rosemary's cry from the heart - and to others who may feel as she does... We've heard a lot lately about 'taking back control.' Whatever your thoughts on that (or the people who plugged it), having a Neighbourhood Plan in place really does give a community a measure of control over planning issues - where development should or should not go, what form it should take, which open spaces should be kept as such etc. That's because, once a Plan has gone through all the stages needed to 'adopt' it, planning decisions should normally be made in accordance with it. It's not a magic wand - and planning decisions aren't made on the basis of the numbers for and against - but at the risk of showing my age, it can be a 'really useful engine' on the planning front. Preparing and adopting a Plan is a lengthy process but a worthwhile one so Rosemary, please don't give up on it - or Charlbury - just yet!
Simon Hogg |
Sun 27 Nov 2016, 14:25 It's a ripe time for a land value tax. |
Rosemary Bennett |
Sun 27 Nov 2016, 12:17 (last edited on Sun 27 Nov 2016, 12:24) Dear fellow Charlburians. when are you all going to wake up to the fact that Charlbury is in the process of being destroyed, and the very concept that the unique character of the AONB and Conservation Area can be retained, is a fantasy. Come down to Pooles Lane now, and see for yourselves. The heart of the 'village'? Yes. Conservation Area? Yes. Massive opposition? Yes. Nonetheless. The Elmstead (greed not green) development resembles a miniature war zone. This is not an exaggeration, and yes, I am very bitter, but only bitter about the insensitivity and inappropriateness of the development. The evidence is indisputable, so I ask you, what on earth are you all talking about? |
Tony H Merry |
Sun 27 Nov 2016, 11:32 This is great and very useful |
Tony H Merry |
Sun 27 Nov 2016, 11:32 This is great and very useful |
John Dora |
Sun 27 Nov 2016, 07:51 I agree with Liz's point about sustainability and Susie on succinctness. Somewhere in explanation we need to say how 'environment' and 'character' cover 'landscape' and 'heritage'; again very important. |
David Court |
Sat 26 Nov 2016, 15:48 I would agree with Susie a Mission statement in my experience is normally very short and succinct and Tony's first sentence is enough. |
Susie Finch
(site admin) |
Sat 26 Nov 2016, 13:53 Surely a mission statement needs to be more succinct but backed up by guiding principles such as outlined by Liz and Tony |
Liz Reason |
Sat 26 Nov 2016, 09:35 I would like us to add aspirations along the lines of what the town council discussed at its last meeting. For example: All new developments should be sustainable in ecomomic, environment and social terms to meet the needs of local people. All developments should make appropriate contributions to the community infrastructure of the Town. |
Tony H Merry |
Thu 24 Nov 2016, 21:16 As you might know we are starting to prepare the neighbourhood plan. There is a lot of technical stuff that we are writing now but we need a title and a mission statement saying what it is all about |
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