Charlbury's History of War, Drinking and Homicide

William Hazell

Fri 25 Nov 2016, 09:04

Tony - thank you for the kind words, it'd be my pleasure! You can email me through the Get Involved tab on the website.

Rob - Do you know we've actually met? I became friends with your son Nick this summer... and I told you about my job working with unexploded ordnance before Nick and I went for a pint.

Elaine - That's fascinating... but that is a little heart-breaking to hear that about Alfred. I hope he found some continued happiness later in life.

Elaine Newbold

Thu 24 Nov 2016, 20:47

thanks for the article William - I am related to the Jones family so sad looks like Alfred Jones moved to Somerset with his older children from his first marriage - he had a very hard time his first wife died aged 30 !

Rob Stepney

Thu 24 Nov 2016, 14:06

Entertaining and informative article. Well worth reading!

Tony H Merry

Thu 24 Nov 2016, 11:55

Great article William
I can well believe that anything can happen in Charlbury
By the way would you be prepared to talk about this at a meeting of the Charlbury Society next year?

William Hazell

Thu 24 Nov 2016, 10:19

Hi all, just to say, Local History is Awesome has just published an article about Charlbury's local history. You can read it through the URL below:

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