Input on local nature conservation required

Rosemary Bennett

Wed 23 Nov 2016, 11:14

Dear Ben. If you come over to Charlbury now, you can see how we look after our Conservation Area. Find Pooles Lane, and just look for the man on a ladder pulling down the barn, surrounded by tree stumps and razed grounds.

Ben Payne

Tue 22 Nov 2016, 13:43

Hi All,
I hope nobody will mind my posting in the forum as a non-Charlbury resident (I live in Oxford). As part of a job application for a local environmental charity (Wild Oxfordshire) I am preparing a presentation on how to inspire and engage with the local council and community to contribute to nature conservation in the parish. I would be really interested in hearing any local views on this, what the priorities are, any existing initiatives, anything at all really. This could be via email, telephone or I intend to visit Charlbury in the next few days so it could also be over a coffee or a stroll. There is plenty of information on the internet, but I would really value an actual local opinion. I'll also be putting this request to the Charlbury Green Hub, and emailing the council, so apologies if you see this request in multiple places.
If you think you could spare a few minutes email me at I would love to have your input.
Many thanks
Ben Payne

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