Christmas Trees

Janet Burroughs

Mon 28 Nov 2016, 14:49

Dear Madeleine
Sorry to hear that you didn't receive a flyer. And yes, if you visit us at Halcyon Honey Farm at the weekend we will be able to supply a tree for the front of your house. And if you give us your details when you come to collect a tree we will make sure that your name is on the master list for future reference.
The idea of lighting up Charlbury at Christmas originated with the Charlbury Chamber of Commerce (CCC) who managed it. When the CCT ceased to operate, the seasonal event continued thanks to Liz Walton and Anna Fairhurst who have given up their own time to voluntarily organize it ?" delivering order forms, obtaining orders and payment and, with a band of other volunteers, delivering the trees supplied to fulfill the orders. We would like to take this opportunity to thank them on behalf of Charlbury for their efforts which result in the town having its own unique Christmas feel.

Madeleine Wheare

Sun 27 Nov 2016, 13:21

Just a point of information - was a paper flyer sent round to all homes this year, promoting Christmas trees on the front of houses? Living on Dyers Hill, I never got one. Perhaps an oversight. Or is it a change of management?
Not easy for newcomers to Charlbury to work it all out (ref Gemma's post).
I will get a spare tree from Halcyon Farm - hope they have enough.

Janet Burroughs

Thu 24 Nov 2016, 21:03

No we don't have a website. But do come and visit us to see what we have to offer. But do wear wellies and bring gloves.
Our trees are grown in Charlbury and could not be fresher as we do not cut the tree you choose until you want it. We have traditional Norway spruce and low needle drop Belgian spruce. Price depends on the type of tree and the height. Traditional Norway spruce start at £20 for a 4 foot tree.


Thu 24 Nov 2016, 17:57

Is there a website that we can look at for variety of trees and prices? Many thanks

Janet Burroughs

Sun 20 Nov 2016, 16:23

Hi Gemma
Yes, you can come and get a tree from us, we will have a few "spares: available. We will be open next weekend, 26th and 27th November, 9.30 - 4.00, and thereafter December weekends up to Christmas. Any questions, please contact us on 810260.
For all customers who have visited in previous years, and any new ones, the November weekend opening is for choosing and tagging for collection on a later weekend. If you want to choose, have cut and take away in one visit come on a December weekend.
Janet Burroughs, Charlbury Christmas Trees

Stephen Andrews

Sun 20 Nov 2016, 09:36

Hi Gemma, The pre-ordered trees will be delivered next Saturday morning 26th, and the deadline has unfortunately passed to add to that, but closer to Christmas you can choose and collect trees from Charlbury's 'Christmas tree farm' - Halcyon Farm, also known as the honey farm, at the top of Woodstock Hill. Phone 810260 to be sure someone is in.

Gemma Mumford

Sun 20 Nov 2016, 07:05

Can someone help me out. I would like to purchase a tree for the front of my house and don't know where to get them from. Does anyone have the contact details? Many thanks in advance.

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