Dog at Coldron Mill

Michael Butler 16

Sat 19 Nov 2016, 17:17

This is the second Huge dog that this owner has had. I believe the other one died a couple of years ago. The previous dog was also "encouraged" to bother people in the owners presence.

The Mill does not seem to be occupied very often. It has also been landscaped and it is not at all clear where the footpath actually is.

He obviously does not like people walking through his land. He ought to get used to it or fence the path. It is a lovely place so it is a great shame he is behaving in this way.

Hans Eriksson

Sat 19 Nov 2016, 09:48

Yes I have, and I was very afraid I would be bitten - (in the presence of the person we believed to be its owner). That as also in May, and we have not been back since.

Duncan Forbes

Sat 19 Nov 2016, 09:39

In May my wife was harassed and bitten by a St Bernard dog (in the presence of the person we believed to be its owner) when we were walking on the public footpath through the grounds of Coldron Mill, Spelsbury. The Police subsequently issued a notice to the owner under the Dangerous Dogs Act. I was taken aback yesterday to see notices put up where the footpaths enter the property, which have a picture of a St Bernard and state "PLEASE NOTE: I am a big, friendly dog, and I live here". This implies that the dog is still roaming freely about the grounds when the owners are there. In the light of this I am sure that my wife will be deterred from using those footpaths. Has anyone else encountered the dog?

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