Garden Waste Bins Hixet Wood/Woodfield Drive

vicky burton

Fri 11 Nov 2016, 13:39 (last edited on Sun 13 Nov 2016, 14:23)

Ok Phil I'll do that with the leaves, its great compost after all. I'd still appreciate a bin or two for the weeds along the top of Woodfield Drive though please.

I gave up trying to sweep up leaves as they're so soggy the broom was having little impact I'm afraid. Thank you to those who let me use their bins for the weeds.

Phil Morgan

Fri 11 Nov 2016, 12:59

Vicky - you are a local hero! Don't worry too much about bins though.
All the leaves along the Hixet Wood pavement should be just piled back over the boundary wall to Lees Place (from where they came).

vicky burton

Fri 11 Nov 2016, 12:42

This Saturday and/or Sunday I was hoping to clear the path of leaves along the Fiveways end of Hixet Wood and weed that end of Woodfield Drive. Could anyone who lives in these areas kindly leave their garden waste bins outside their front gardens for me to fill with leaves please and let me know they have done so?

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