But more importantly than that

Emma Louise Cox

Tue 8 Nov 2016, 13:43

What no more receding gum lines for us all? The horror! A possible bike rack for you...

Stephen Andrews

Tue 8 Nov 2016, 12:32

Looks like they could be used as chocolate speed bumps.

James Styring

Tue 8 Nov 2016, 11:51

Two days of no broadband is fraying everyone's nerves. Adding insult to injury, we have to dice with death on the Enstone X-rds on the journey south, so that we may bathe in the warmth of connectivity in south Charlbury.
But the BIG issue is surely: what do people think about the redesigned Toblerone bars? www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37904703 Look at those awful empty gaps between the triangles. What's the point of Toblerone if you don't hurt the gums behind your teeth trying to bite the triangles off?

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