Congratulations Liz

Rosemary Bennett

Mon 24 Oct 2016, 18:11

What a good idea Alice. We all know that we are not represented fairly in Parliament. Who voted for Mrs May to be our Prime Minister. No one. That's democracy?

Alice Brander

Sat 22 Oct 2016, 11:56

Yes well done Liz and all. You must feel like a bit of a break. Witney is now represented in Parliament by a young inexperienced man who has support from 22% of the voting population. Now we need more than ever to concentrate on an effective opposition. I had a word with a nice chap - Tim Farron, the other day in the street about organising an alliance for the next election, maybe as soon as next year. He didn't give me excuses as to why it couldn't be done like I have heard from many others. Perhaps we could all start by joining:
I feel as though I am watching a slow motion car crash for our economy and our future and the mood of the country is nasty, brutish and short tempered.

russell robson

Sat 22 Oct 2016, 11:33

Tory means Tory!

Michael Flanagan

Sat 22 Oct 2016, 06:11

"the anti Tory vote is unlikely ever to be strong enough to defeat the Tories"

Tory vote: 17,313
Anti-Tory vote: 19,172
(anti-Tory = LibDem + Labour + Green + National Health)

Even if you add UKIP voters to the Tory total, most West Oxfordshire voters don't want Mrs May's policies. If you add UKIP voters to the anti-Tory total, most of us don't want this Tory.

It's the division between his opponents that's given us an MP most of us don't want.

Rosemary Bennett

Fri 21 Oct 2016, 17:00

Congratulations Liz, and the team, that was an amazing result and something for you all to be very proud of.

Nick Johnson

Fri 21 Oct 2016, 11:58

Yes congratulations Liz. The turnout at 47% looks disappointing considering the energy of the LD campaign. However looking at the results overall, it would seem that the anti Tory vote is unlikely ever to be strong enough to defeat the Tories, even when they have put up (judging by reports of the hustings) a pretty weak candidate.

Liz Leffman

Fri 21 Oct 2016, 11:46

Thank you to everyone in Charlbury, Finstock and Fawler for your amazing support - I overwhelmingly won the election here. I am very pleased with the overall result, and equally pleased to continue to be your district councillor!

Tony Morgan

Fri 21 Oct 2016, 11:25

Well as you've started the thread Richard I would also like to congratulate Liz who I think does an excellent job locally, despite my one policy disagreement with her

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 21 Oct 2016, 09:01

I'll tentatively venture a thread on the main board to congratulate our own Liz Leffman for a swing that has made the national news and enlivened debate everywhere, no matter what political stripe you are. Charlbury punching above its weight again!

And I trust WODC will be lenient if people's recycling bins are overflowing next Tuesday...

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