flower shop

Gordon Clemson

Thu 13 Oct 2016, 17:02

The Earthworms Gardens and Grounds Company was dissolved in April of 2016. S o don't think that the decision to close was because the other business was growing (pardon the pun !)
The reason for less and less opening hours was due to lack of trade. If local business is not supported this is what happens.
Dandy also started to get more trade for the flower display side of her talents so the shop became not good prospect.
We must use our local tradespeople or we will loose so many more in the future

Christine Battersby

Thu 13 Oct 2016, 15:45

I'm not sure that the problem with the shop was entirely to do with lack of passing trade. As I understood it, Dandy was also running a gardening business & the times of opening of the shop became more & more restricted as the other sides of her business prospered. The other business, Earthworms, Gardens and Grounds, is registered to an address in Ducklington.

Having said this, I imagine that the proposed move of the Charlbury Deli and Cafe to the premises opposite the Corner House was probably a disincentive to keep the lease on the premises. Passing trade in Sheep Street is bound to fall further.

I'm really sorry that the shop has gone! Dandy was an excellent florist who really cared about flowers & also about her customers. It's a real loss, even if her flower arranging services continue to be available online.

James Styring

Wed 12 Oct 2016, 21:11

It's sad that yet another shop has closed. Will another ever open in its place?

The listing www.charlbury.info/business/356?category=32 and the website earthwormsanddandelions.co.uk/ still list the Sheep St premises, maybe in time Dandy will post new business details. I hope so.

Susie Burnett

Wed 12 Oct 2016, 16:52

I understood from a brief conversation with Dandy on the day the shop closed that she is continuing with her flower arranging business for weddings, functions, etc., just not with the premises.

David Cook

Wed 12 Oct 2016, 16:12

Such sad news, the girls worked hard to make it a success, Dandy organised
the most beautiful flower arrangements for my Mother's funeral, everyone commented how spectacular they were. Good luck Dandy what ever your new venture is going to be.

Mary Heckman

Wed 12 Oct 2016, 06:57

Michelle, Dandy's email: dandy@earthwormsanddandelions.co.uk

Diana Limburg

Tue 11 Oct 2016, 16:35

Michele, I don't know, but perhaps you could try messaging on Facebook? https://www.facebook.com/earthwormsanddandelions/?fref=ts

michele marietta

Tue 11 Oct 2016, 16:28

Does anyone out there know how to get ahold of Dandi?

Liz Puttick

Sun 9 Oct 2016, 20:58

I only bought one plant from her, but lovely and still flourishing. Always enjoyed seeing the display as I walked past. Good luck to her, and hope at least the space goes to another indy shop.

Jean Adams

Sat 8 Oct 2016, 10:39

The trouble was that not enough people walk down Sheep Street to buy their flowers and plants. Use it or lose it. She was a brilliant florist.

russell robson

Fri 7 Oct 2016, 18:23

The problem with those damn shop keepers is that they want people to spend money in them so they can make a living!

James Styring

Fri 7 Oct 2016, 15:27


michele marietta

Fri 7 Oct 2016, 11:12

Oh rats.

Tim Widdows

Fri 7 Oct 2016, 08:43

Sorry to see that the flower shop has gone, hope that the empty space gets taken up again soon.

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