Hundleyway Track

Simon Walker

Tue 4 Oct 2016, 15:03

Just for the record, the Blenheim estate went through the same process a few months ago, registering existing rights of way around Lee Place/Grammar School Hill, as well as elsewhere on estate land.

Matt Bullock

Tue 4 Oct 2016, 14:02

James, it's immediately after the last house where the driveway/road ends and Hundley Way becomes a footpath

James Styring

Tue 4 Oct 2016, 13:30

John or Jim: where on Hundley Way is this notice?

Jim Holah

Mon 3 Oct 2016, 11:10 (last edited on Mon 3 Oct 2016, 12:55)

If you go to the OCC link shown on the notice you will find all the information you need. This is about protecting against future claims of rights of way not about closing existing rights......that is a whole different matter and completely different process. As copied here...

Protecting against future claims

Landowners may protect themselves against future claims for public rights of way and village greens

What it means to you

If you are a landowner, or act on behalf of one, you can send us a map of your land with a statement describing any public rights of way which you acknowledge already exist on your land.

Then, you can send us a declaration stating that you have not dedicated any more ways to the public. You need to do this within 20 years for new deposits or 10 years for deposits made before 1 October 2013.

This can protect you from claims that might be made in the future to record more public rights of way over the land.

I hope that helps.....seems pretty clear.

Georgia Styring

Mon 3 Oct 2016, 10:51

I live on Hundley Way and we haven't been notified of any closure or seen any signs. Whereabouts are they posted?


Sun 2 Oct 2016, 23:57

I have noticed signs up on the Hundleyway track stating there is a possibility it could be closed off
to local people & walkers, if anyone knows more about this could you please respond.
Many thanks.

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