Fabulous Grand Silent Auction for Macmillan

David Pollock

Sat 24 Sep 2016, 09:40

Make a firm date in your diary for 10.30 am on Friday 30th September at the Quaker Meeting House, Market St.
Tea , coffee, cake, bric a brac, a great raffle and.... the opportunity to bid in person at:

A Grand Silent Auction
of lots including:

1. A week in a beautiful Farmhouse in South West France.
2. A day out at the famous Morgan sports-car factory... the last remaining family-owned firm making wonderful cars by hand. You will be driven there and back in a Morgan Plus 4.
3. Four tickets for the Royal Academy of Arts exhibitions.
4. A place on a Printmaking course in Charlbury led by Tony Lloyd
5. A tour for two of the House of Lords and tea.
6. A Champagne Hamper full of delicious Soho Farmhouse goodies.. Cheeses, sweet treats and a bottle of best bubbly!
7. A two hour Tour of Oxford for up to five people led by qualified Guide David Pollock
8. A two hour Garden Consultation with Chelsea exhibitor Susan Dunstall
9 A beautiful print by Charlbury Artist Cathy Binnie.
10. A ride to the Wild Rabbit, Kingham, for coffee in a Spectacular E-Type Jaguar with Philippa Phelan

Watch this space for stop-Press updates!

Don't miss this chance to be generous and support the wonderful MACMILLAN Cancer Care charity.

Please call David Pollock on 07590486671 for more details.

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