Newt and Reptile fencing

Tony H Merry

Wed 21 Sep 2016, 22:33

It is important that there is minimal disturbance during this phase so can people avoid this area for the next 6 weeks?

Tony H Merry

Tue 20 Sep 2016, 18:36

The developers Ede have had an ecological survey whicvh found slow wormxs on the half of the field being built on. The barriers let the slow worms go out of the area but not back
The other half of the field and the worded area at the top will be a protected area with a covenant to prevent any development on that land
The developer is talking to the Town Council for our views on the best way to manage this area
Before it is passed on they will carry out all maintenance work that is required
We feel this is a very welcome move by this developer and will keep everyone informed on future decisions

Helen Wilkinson

Tue 20 Sep 2016, 14:08

There has been noise of chain saws and work up there for the last 2 days - I have not been up there to look. The planning application still shows as awaiting decision.

Simon Himmens-Warrick

Tue 20 Sep 2016, 13:49

On my morning walk this morning, I noticed that a Newt and Reptile fence has been erected in the scrub area above Lees Heights. Does anyone know what is going on? Has a lesser spotted great crested beast been found?

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