Street Fair

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Wed 21 Sep 2016, 18:35

You're right of course Helen we did ask for feedback. I think it was the title of the previous post - shouldn't really matter should it - but just a general one like this is and everyone could have but their comments down, both good and bad! Sorry if I got heated up a bit, but we do really need volunteers and yes I know, there are many who have.done so in the past but in the last twenty years it does seem to be the same people who seem to be involved because no one else comes forward, we do have a few new members this year but we really do need more.

Helen Chapman

Wed 21 Sep 2016, 15:38

I probably should have read all of the other thread before weighing in - I hadn't realised it had got so heated (and smoky?). I do still think people should be allowed to give feedback without it causing offence to the organisers though. I'm sure it isn't intended as a criticism of their hard work.

Helen Chapman

Wed 21 Sep 2016, 15:33

Susie, I thought Street Fair great and like everyone else appreciate the effort involved. But a post on this very thread asks for feedback - both good and bad. Surely people should be allowed to give feedback without the response being "if you had a problem, you ought to volunteer". Obviously we appreciate that you need volunteers and that Street Fair is in danger, but that shouldn't be a reason to shut down feedback. Especially as some people, as Amanda pointed out on the other thread, can't volunteer for various reasons.

Tim Widdows

Wed 21 Sep 2016, 09:40

Yes well done to the street fair team another great street fair again this year,I also thought Russell was a great street fair opener, he seemed to of done his homework on the town before his arrival as well, well done to all those involved long may it continue.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Tue 20 Sep 2016, 15:55

I really find its a sad reflection that people are too quick to complain and that the post on the smoky BBQ at Street Fair has 10 posts yet this one asking for volunteers only has three - all of whom are from current members of the team. As Phil said in the previous post Street Fair is 'hanging together on a song and a prayer" and there will be NO Street Fair 2017 unless more people are prepared to help. There will be no need to raise money for the Community Stage. Come on Charlbury !

Peter Kenrick

Mon 19 Sep 2016, 16:43

Many thanks to everyone who supported Street Fair and helped to created another great event for the whole community. Thanks especially to Susie and the rest of the Street Fair team who worked so hard, to all of the sponsors and helpers and to everyone who came along to have fun and support the cause!

It was wonderful to see the talented young people of our great town at the centre of the event again so congratulations and thanks to Tina, the Dancers and everyone involved with the fantasic Hollywood production, to Jennie Grierson and the Primary School Choir and to all the children who entered the Art and Fancy Dress competitions.

Echoing Susie's request, this event does not miraculaously happen by itself so, if you enjoyed yourselves and if you want this fantastic 61 year old tradition to carry on bringing the community together and supporting our much loved community buildings, please come and be part of the team. You can do as much or as little as you wish - your ideas and help will always be appreciated. Thanks.

Rachael Lunney

Sun 18 Sep 2016, 19:09

We love to have any comments on the day. Good and bad. Also any changes we can make.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Sun 18 Sep 2016, 18:23

I trust you all had a good time at Street Fair and thanks to everyone who supported it. As soon as we know the amount raised it will be posted on here and outside the Corner House. Street Fair needs lots of volunteers for it to magically happen, so please all come forward and offer your help. Contact Many thanks

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