Susie Burnett |
Sun 2 Oct 2016, 09:09 We have them on Hixet Wood too, so I suspect they are in connection with the planning at Fiveways [Sixways?!] |
Susie Burnett |
Sun 2 Oct 2016, 09:08 We have them on Hixet Wood too, so they must be in connection with the planning at Fiveways [Sixways?!] |
Mark Sulik |
Sun 2 Oct 2016, 08:57 Possibly here to undertake a traffic survey in support of the planning application for the at Fiveways |
Hannen Beith |
Sat 17 Sep 2016, 19:15 They are right by my house. I haven't a clue who put them there or what they are for. Might get my screwdriver out and see what's inside. |
Paul Taylor |
Fri 16 Sep 2016, 18:37 Big Brother waisting money no delt |
russell robson |
Fri 16 Sep 2016, 11:07 They are spy cameras installed to see who jogs up the road early in the morning. The data will then be uploaded to you tube |
john h |
Thu 15 Sep 2016, 23:14 Could be a traffic survey there are counters in the entrance to Sturt and Hughes Close as you say Pearl, could be to do with the new houses off woodstock rd or other developements in the area. |
Pearl Manners |
Thu 15 Sep 2016, 18:27 Could it possibly be to do with the proposed planning application for houses to be built off Woodstock road I wonder.
Tim Widdows |
Thu 15 Sep 2016, 18:06 Can anyone shed light on the sensors dotted about fiveways on poles as to what they are for ? |
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