Tina Community Stage -

Miles Walkden

Thu 15 Sep 2016, 22:19 (last edited on Sun 18 Sep 2016, 17:57)

I'll talk to the MH and the BF. Thanks for the advice.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Thu 15 Sep 2016, 18:45

Miles this is great news. As Street Fair is part of the Corner House & Memorial Hall charity you could do it through there or talk to either Beer Festival (as they are a charity) or the Town Council. Your best bet is the Corner House and Memorial Hall and talk to Steve Andrews or their treasurer Susan Burne. Hope this helps and see you Saturday !

Rachael Lunney

Thu 15 Sep 2016, 18:19

The memorial hall only raise money for the hall and corner house

Miles Walkden

Thu 15 Sep 2016, 11:15

How would i go about that Jon?

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 15 Sep 2016, 09:46

Miles - if you raise the money through a charity (I'm pretty certain that the beer festival and the memorial hall are both charities, among others, among all the churches) they can donate the money to you. But more importantly, your donors can then add Gift Aid to their donations, making each contribution worth an extra 25%. You can only add Gift Aid to gifts to charities.

Miles Walkden

Wed 14 Sep 2016, 21:56

I am starting a donations page to purchase a stage for general community use in Charlbury. The inspiration has come from a need and want to support the Tina's Dance Show by ensuring a large, decent stage is available for the summer presentation of this much-anticipated annual show. With this in mind I propose to call it 'The Tina Piotrowsky Community Stage'.

It is anticipated that the stage will be available for use by any approved group free of charge, however a nominal fee may end up being charged if ongoing costs (storage, repair, etc) are incurred.

If you would like to donate any amount please do so here:


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