Bicycles for Africa?

Hannen Beith

Sat 17 Sep 2016, 19:17

Can anyone give me a steer here? (Get it?!) I can wheel them up there but don't want to if they are of no use...

Hannen Beith

Mon 12 Sep 2016, 10:03

I've got two - a man's and a woman's. They need some tlc though. Would they be appropriate?

David McCutcheon

Thu 8 Sep 2016, 19:01

If you don't have a bicycle to donate can I draw your attention to a charity that I support - - or search #bicycleschangelives

Leah Fowler

Wed 7 Sep 2016, 09:37

They are collecting them at the Methodist Church, but need to be there to collect, phone Mary Humphries 819270 or Andy Faulkner 07940837682

Leah Fowler

Tue 6 Sep 2016, 16:45

No it is at the Methodist Church, but there is a notice in St Marys explaining what time and who to contact

Rachael Lunney

Tue 6 Sep 2016, 13:02

I think the Baptist church is collecting.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Tue 6 Sep 2016, 12:10

Did someone say not long ago that they are collecting bicycles for Africa? CRAG has been offered children's bikes for that appeal by someone who can't find any publicity for it. If anyone can put the details here, I'll pass them on.

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