Two new houses in Thames Street

Mark Wilson

Mon 8 Aug 2005, 12:29

Thanks Susie, I knew that was the procedure but wanted to alert people to this application by Empire Homes which is easy to miss as the yellow notice just replaced an old yellow notice that was there for months that referred to an extension for the existing house.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Mon 1 Aug 2005, 12:39

Mark, if you wish to complain the best thing is to write a letter of objection to the West Oxfordshire District Council, quoting the planning reference and send a copy of your letter to Roger Clarke, Clerk to the Town Council. At the Planning meeting all letters of objection are read out and taken into account at the Town Council's planning meeting. These are ususally held on the last Monday of the month (but not this month as August bank hols!). His address is 6 Hill Close. Hope this helps - I agree with you by the way!

Mark Wilson

Fri 29 Jul 2005, 17:43

I see there is a planning permission for two new houses and a redevelopment of the existing old building all to be squished into the corner plot of Thames Street and Nine Acres. Apart from anything else I think this will mean that the lovely stone wall that goes round that corner and up Nine Acres will be torn down. As this rather attractive area is the first you see as you come into Charlbury from Chippy it seems a shame it will all be taken down and rebuilt - I haven't seen the detailed plans yet though - has anyone else?

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