Wilderness Festival Q&A

Mark Sulik

Wed 10 Aug 2016, 21:08

Next year a Traffic Management plan needs to be included - keep the HGV trucks out of the town and from going over the river bridge-! I'm sure our neighbour will be pleased - their car (parked) hit by truck ( HGV) delivering at the top of Dyers Hill - on the way back over the river bridge !

Suzy M-H

Wed 10 Aug 2016, 19:37

Just got really good news back from wilderness about recycling:
"Im happy to reassure you that we DO recycle. All
the rubbish gets taken off to be sorted and recycled. We found that
recycling bins asking people to separate didn?t work and it needed sorting
anyway so we now do this ourselves. Read more about it here:
https://www.wildernessfestival.com/info/environmental-policy/ "

Nicola Leyland

Tue 9 Aug 2016, 08:46

I loved the festival, brilliant atmosphere and loads & loads to do. Loved the playhouse. I couldn't believe the lack of recycling. hope they get lots of feedback about this. the footpath was open by the last morning as I used it to walk back from camping area to charlbury.

Malcolm Biranek

Mon 8 Aug 2016, 21:21

Oh I was watching an interesting presentation from Sir Martin the other day
Is this out final century - worth a watch!


Jody O'Reilly

Mon 8 Aug 2016, 19:45

Sir Martin Rees was great!

Liz Reason

Mon 8 Aug 2016, 19:27

Mark Carney did have his face-painted and certainly looked like he was enjoying himself. It was a good festival and a huge organisational feat for which the organisers must be congratulated. Next year we should check the path in advance.

Helen Holwill

Mon 8 Aug 2016, 19:20

I'd like to second Dave's comment. It's the first time I've attended the festival and I was very impressed by what was on offer. From what I saw it was extremely well organised - a truly commendable feat with so many people and such logistics involved. Fabulous.

Dave Oates

Mon 8 Aug 2016, 16:07

Congratulations to all the Wilderness team for another stunning festival. The variety and quality of performance, debate, food and music was the best ever. I have always been a great advocate of the Festival and believe it goes from strength to strength. Everyone I met from Charlbury was having a great time (and it felt like most of the town was there!)

Miranda Higham

Mon 8 Aug 2016, 15:17 (last edited on Mon 8 Aug 2016, 15:26)

We truly were graced by the amazing Sir Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal. I also saw Vince Cable and Raymond Blanc. Mark Carney apparently enjoyed Robert Plant (I wonder if Mr Carney also wore ears and a tail, as many in the audience did?!).

Malcolm Biranek

Mon 8 Aug 2016, 15:02 (last edited on Mon 8 Aug 2016, 15:03)

Apparently we were graced with the presence of Mark Carney governor of BoE at the festival. Perhaps he was picking up some ideas about managing the UK economy:)


Miranda Higham

Mon 8 Aug 2016, 14:19 (last edited on Mon 8 Aug 2016, 14:20)

Hi Suzy, this year was my first Wilderness experience and it was fabulous. I attended so many mind expanding talks and debates and listened with toe tapping enthusiasm to a huge variety of talented musicians and musical styles. Regarding the issue of recycling: whilst in The Forum listening to a talk on African music, the speakers told us that Live Nation had taken over the festival and had saved themselves approx. £20,000 by not having recycling. Shameful. Perhaps Rufus knows more?

Suzy M-H

Mon 8 Aug 2016, 10:06

Another really fantastic Wilderness! Only one thing let it down - why no recycling? If monster Glastonbury can manage it, Wilderness surely can. Next year?

Tony Graeme

Sat 6 Aug 2016, 12:09

We should thank Rufus for his prompt attention once this had been brought to his attention . . .
However, as at 1125 this morning this doesn't appear to have produced any action: still no posted diversion and no sign of any activity to label one.

Rufus Lawrence

Fri 5 Aug 2016, 21:02

Dear Charlbury Residents

Please accept my apologies for the blocking of the footpath. I appreciate the frustration at having received our assurances; these were made in good faith and remain sincere. Internally these were not communicated to the relevant departments and I take full responsibility for the situation.

Having received your feedback we have discussed this amongst the relevant parties and will address the appropriate applications for the 2017 show as a matter of priority. In the meantime we have a team producing and securing appropriate signage to direct walkers to the parallel footpath that merges after a short distance with the one in question.



Peter Bennett

Fri 5 Aug 2016, 19:13

The footpath was certainly blocked this afternoon, and the security guard said it will be closed for the whole weekend. We asked if they had made provision for an alternative, but no.

Hannen Beith

Fri 5 Aug 2016, 17:18

Yes, it's re-run of the issues raised last year. I give up. I suppose the organisers only want to make money, and the Highway Authority can't be bothered to enforce the law. It's little wonder that large chunks of the population ignore laws, when they see first hand how easy it is to do with impunity.

russell robson

Fri 5 Aug 2016, 16:17

Probably best bring a torch. That would solve most problems.

russell robson

Fri 5 Aug 2016, 16:16

Probably best bring a torch then.

Harriet Baldwin

Fri 5 Aug 2016, 15:36

Also there is nothing like enough lighting on the drive and nothing to indicate people will be walking on the drive between the road and North lodge. And still no speed restrictions there. This is something they were asked to rectify last year.

Tony Graeme

Fri 5 Aug 2016, 15:31 (last edited on Fri 5 Aug 2016, 15:33)

Clearly a vain hope!
I have been along the footpath today and nothing has changed: barriers still in place and no indications of any diversion. To add insult to injury: at the start of the avenue of trees, near the Festival payment booths there is a notice forbidding motor vehicles but including a reproduction of footpath waymark! Unfortunately if you take that path you are stopped, well before the Fishery lake, at the crossing for campers. Here (wait for it)there is a similar sign pointing back the way you have come. You couldn't make it up could you?
I spoke to some of the marshals directing traffic to see if they had been given any briefing as to where to direct mystified walkers. Of course they had not; although either from experience last year or common sense some would have given the right advice.
So much for the assurances we were given after last year. I have written separately to Rufus, but it seems a pity to have to make a major issue out of something which would have been quite simple to avoid.

Harriet Baldwin

Fri 5 Aug 2016, 15:16

The footpath is very definitely closed. The nice security guy seemed to think it wouldn't be possible to open it this year because of the tents. I explained they'd need to move the fences a bit and have a man on a gate and he seemed doubtful they'd pay for it

Tony Graeme

Thu 4 Aug 2016, 16:36

When the footpath to Finstock was blocked last year I went to inspect and sent a detailed report to Oxfordshire Countryside Services (OCS, who are responsible for public footpaths). I subsequently discussed the matter with the Town Council Chairman and raised it at the first of Rufus' Q&A sessions. I was assured at the Q&A meeting that the question of a diversion was in hand for this year. It is, of course, possible that the path had to be closed during set up and before proper diversion had been signed has 'jumped the gun' If the situation remains unchanged by now then any assurance we were given were obviously just empty promises.

Alan Wilson

Wed 3 Aug 2016, 22:26

Andrew, I believe that public footpaths have been blocked by the Wilderness festival in the past without permission - a formal application is required before this is allowed, and WODC confirmed on a previous occasion that no such application had been made. I don't know whether it is different this year, but somehow I doubt it!

Lee-Ann Keeble

Wed 3 Aug 2016, 20:41

Hi Rufus. My uni age kids are coming with me to wilderness. Whilst they have photo Id there is no paperwork with name and address for them, it's all in my name. Is this going to be a problem when they collect their bands?

Rufus Lawrence

Wed 3 Aug 2016, 10:06

Good morning

Thank you all for your feedback.

First I apologise for a mistake in my second post please take your FIRST LEFT beyond the gate houses after entering North Lodge (not first right).

Regarding traffic any concerns or complaints please direct these to Highways on 0845 310 1111


Andrew Chapman

Wed 3 Aug 2016, 09:42

Footpath 175/1, the one bearing right from the lake through the avenue towards Finstock Manor, is currently blocked by a large metal Wilderness fence. Ironically just the other side of it is a 'no vehicles through the avenue' sign, on which a public footpath sign has been printed - but the only way you can get to that point is by trespassing on Cornbury Park 100 yards down to a gap in the metal fence and then back up again.

Hannen Beith

Tue 2 Aug 2016, 17:43

Thank you Rufus, for taking the time and trouble to consult, and for your post. I agree with Hamish. I live at Wellington Cottages, and there have been HGVs and buses travelling in opposite directions, getting stuck and causing mayhem at the Fiveways junction. So either direct the HGVs to the entrance near Finstock, as Hamish suggests, or perhaps some temporary traffic lights? I also agree with Pearl. Who on earth decided to hold two big festivals on the same weekend? I have to say that I am in favour of the festivals for various reasons, and am hoping to go to the Countryfile Live festival at Blenheim on Sunday - if I can get there without being squashed or trapped in a traffic jam! The passage of the HGVs doesn't bother me, and neither does the noise of the Wilderness Festival. I simply think that some thought should be given to the capacity of the roads in Charlbury.

Pearl Manners

Tue 2 Aug 2016, 16:18 (last edited on Tue 2 Aug 2016, 19:36)

I am surprised the 'Wilderness' at Cornbury and 'Country File' at Blenheim are on same weekend. Travelling this morning I noticed the dual carriageway Yarnton to Woodstock and road right through Woodstock there are huge signs saying 30 and the section by roundabouts usually singled down to 1 lane by roundabouts has been opened up.

Elaine Newbold

Tue 2 Aug 2016, 09:24

Tickets are still on sale at the Post Office

Mark Sulik

Tue 2 Aug 2016, 09:08

HGV's going over the bridge by the railway station -ignoring the weight limit ! Resident of Dyers hill has had demagento their car - hit by an HGV delivering to the event -
So - when the bridge has collapsed and Charlbury is cut off from the Burford road there will be something important to moan about - Can our Town Council look into this rather serious matter and take some form of action

Pearl Manners

Mon 1 Aug 2016, 18:24

There's one local adult ticket for sale in Adverts Frank for £139. You will probably find they are sold out now, I don't know if they have any left at Post Office.

frank sullivan

Mon 1 Aug 2016, 15:47

can someone tell me the price to get in to the festival

Vickie J

Sun 31 Jul 2016, 22:27

Sorry, I could not make the Q&A on Friday, so please can you let me know where the pickup/drop off point is? Thank you.

Sue Normand

Sun 31 Jul 2016, 20:47

I have to say that I don't understand why the lorries etc have to use the Charlbury entrance when there is an easy straight driveway from the Finstock road - surely much better access without all the bends and parked cars.

Peter Kenrick

Sat 30 Jul 2016, 20:57

Good news Tim. They weren't there this morning.

Tim Widdows

Sat 30 Jul 2016, 20:21

Peter there are signs at the crossroads when I drove down this evening

Peter Kenrick

Sat 30 Jul 2016, 18:42

Hi Rufus
Thanks for coming to the Cornbury Room to answer questions from residents yesterday - much appreciated.

You told me that signage would include the "No Festival Traffic" signs at the Enstone Rd Cross Roads as deployed last year to keep construction traffic out of the town centre. They are not there yet so please can you chase this up urgently to help prevent further issues of the kind that occurred on Friday.
Thanks Peter.

Hamish Nichol

Sat 30 Jul 2016, 18:03

The easiest solution would be to keep all festival traffic out of town center and for them to enter the site at the entrance near Finstock.

Steven Fairhurst Jones

Sat 30 Jul 2016, 09:35

Hi Bob, Rufus,

I had a chat with one of the drivers in question. He says they're handed a postcode by their office, or sometimes a satnav with postcode entered already, and they just drive. I said I'd heard Wilderness had given good instructions to contractors and he said maybe so but the office doesn't necessarily then pass on those good instructions to drivers. So they rely on either satnav, which we know can be a bit hit and miss, or local signs.

The driver's view was that a big sign on the post outside the Rose & Crown saying "Wilderness straight ahead only - no left turn" would have saved the bother. Can we have one of those?


Bob Khosa

Sat 30 Jul 2016, 09:24

Hello Rufus. We've just had a very large event lorry stuck in Sheep Street (a narrow one way street), now reversing back up to find another way round. It looked like they were considering bouncing a car to make room.
This means the signage for HGVs coming into Charlbury from various directions may be inadequate.
Please make sure this doesn't become a frequent occurrence leading up to Wilderness, we've had walls knocked down and cars scraped in the past when HGVs have been stuck and tried to squeeze through.

Stephen Andrews

Fri 29 Jul 2016, 21:20 (last edited on Sat 30 Jul 2016, 08:49)

Hi Rufus,

This seems to be a deterioration of the past practice since the inception of Wilderness for walking locals that want to avoid the queues later; surely as in previous year's, enough local residents bands need to be available at North Lodge on the Thursday.

And really, do we all (including kids etc) have to turn up in person? I truly do not understand what the problem is, any local residents will have produced their ID when they purchased tickets at the post office, so what is to be gained or avoided by requiring each person in the party (typically family or friends) having to queue separately to have the wristband fitted?


Rufus Lawrence

Fri 29 Jul 2016, 18:58

Good evening everyone

Thank you for the questions this evening.

In light of a number of frequent queries I thought it useful to post some information here.

1. North Lodge Pedestrian Safety

There will be a taped pedestrian path running from near the gatehouse to the highway to help improve the safety of those guests entering and leaving the event from North Lodge.

2. Local Ticket Exchange.

Local tickets can be exchanged at box offices inside of the South Hill, Crane Hill and North Lodge entrances. Please be aware of two important points:

- We cannot give loose wristbands in exchange for tickets - all wristbands will be secured on guests' wrists..

- If you are entering via North Lodge you CANNOT exchange your tickets at the production accreditation office immediately on your right just beyond the gate. Please continue walking down the drive and take your first right, you will see another box office on your right as you head into the Main Stage area - where you will be able to exchange tickets.

Thank you again for your support, patience and feedback. We are looking forward to another great year and hope to see you all there.

With 1 week still to go, please do not hesitate to get in touch by emailing info@wildernessfestival.com

Many Thanks


russell robson

Wed 27 Jul 2016, 21:38

Thanks Rufus,

Good luck, hope everything is going to plan. The fencing is certainly looking very shiny this year

Rufus Lawrence

Wed 27 Jul 2016, 15:24

Dear Charlbury Residents

On Friday of this week I will be in the Cornbury Room of The Bell from 16:00 - 19:00 for a walk in Q&A (with tea and biscuits). There will be no presentation so please feel free to drop by at your convenience with any questions you would like to ask.

Kind Regards

Rufus Lawrence

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