Referendum. (Debate)

Liz Leffman

Thu 14 Jul 2016, 13:45 (last edited on Thu 14 Jul 2016, 13:46)

Matthew Greenfield

Sun 26 Jun 2016, 19:55

Grease pit?

Malcolm Biranek

Sun 26 Jun 2016, 12:42 (last edited on Sun 26 Jun 2016, 12:47)

You could try the EU way of doing things - Keep having referenda until you get the answer you want! Like they did with the Lisbon treaty.

As was said on this mornings Andrew Marr program "The referendum did not divide the Country. It was already divided! Just so happens that the silenced have spoken this time."

Malcolm Biranek

Sun 26 Jun 2016, 12:38

As Winston Churchill once said

"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."
(from a House of Commons speech on Nov. 11, 1947)

Heather Williams

Sun 26 Jun 2016, 12:11

This is Democracy yes it sucks when it doesn't go the way you had hoped, but no matter how much petitioning it will not change the outcome

Miles Walkden

Sun 26 Jun 2016, 11:45

Isn't there another way we could stop people's vote counting? Perhaps only giving the vote to people who earn over a certain amount?

Pearl Manners

Sun 26 Jun 2016, 10:42 (last edited on Sun 26 Jun 2016, 10:43)

On the 'map' it shows over 7000 for Witney.

Helen Wilkinson

Sun 26 Jun 2016, 10:17

The petition hit 3 million at 10:15 Sunday

Rosemary Bennett

Sun 26 Jun 2016, 05:36

To my knowledge, a referendum is not binding in of itself, it's advisory. If the majority of voters believed what they were told by the likes of Farage and Johnson, they were simply misled. So, the result should be nulled, to give those who were duped, or believed they were just giving the government a poke in the eye (by THEIR OWN admission), the opportunity to think again.

Craig Richardson

Sat 25 Jun 2016, 23:11

There are so many interesting national leaders lost for words, or at least for an idea of how to progress with ideas of how to challenge the Leave result in the context of national concern for the effect, and there is ample evidence that many Leave voters voted Ot as a protest. Europe wants Article 50 quickly, yet if we move smartly, carefully, we can regain confidence and find a way forward and out of this disaster.

Rosemary Bennett

Sat 25 Jun 2016, 22:14

This is amazing and spreading like wildfire. Please post and or send the link everywhere you can think of.

Craig Richardson

Sat 25 Jun 2016, 17:57

The Petition for a second Referendum (allowed under EU Referenda rules) is about to reach 2 million signatures, 1 million have signed since 10am today.

Malcolm Biranek

Sat 25 Jun 2016, 17:28

This morning former director of the CBI, Lord Digby Jones tells BBC Breakfast that the UK has a "golden opportunity" as it renegotiates its relationship with Europe

Malcolm Biranek

Sat 25 Jun 2016, 17:17

"Majorities in major countries want EU referendums"

Helen Wilkinson

Sat 25 Jun 2016, 16:53


Craig Richardson

Sat 25 Jun 2016, 16:41

Rosemary, I think we are at the moment when Horror at the outcome turns to Terror at the reality. The Petition is an immediate 'big hit' gaining 5,000 new signatories every two minutes. It should get to 2 million signatories by this evening, one million newly signining since 10am this morning. the Parliamentary Committee which considers petitions meets on Tuesday, many major figures and well-known names are signing, Glastonbury is talking about it and the number signing could accelerate.
There are now 4 areas Vote leave are backtracking on, and their is a high record of regret now being voiced by those who voted Leave.

Rosemary Bennett

Sat 25 Jun 2016, 15:53 (last edited on Sat 25 Jun 2016, 15:57)

If you are horrified by the outcome, there is something you can do. There is a Petition that you can sign to re-play the vote. This is off the website, quote.
EU Referendum Rules triggering a 2nd EU Referendum

We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule that if the remain or leave vote is less than 60% based a turnout less than 75% there should be another referendum.

Sign this petition
1,667,086 signatures (so far, and growing, see mre details below)

EU Referendum Rules triggering a 2nd EU Referendum

We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule that if the remain or leave vote is less than 60% based a turnout less than 75% there should be another referendum.

Sign this petition
1,667,086 signatures
Show on a map 100,000
Parliament will consider this for a debate
Parliament considers all petitions that get more than 100,000 signatures for a debate

Waiting for 1 day for a debate date

Government will respond
Government responds to all petitions that get more than 10,000 signatures

Waiting for 1 day for a government response

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Created by
William Oliver Healey
25 November 2016
All petitions run for 6 months
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