Riverside Fest 1998-2000: Albert Tatlock's Last Gasp: HELP!

Charlie M

Thu 19 May 2016, 12:05


I wonder if any of you can help me.

I was a member of the above rather improbably-named band (!), which played at the Charlbury Riverside Festival in 1998, 1999 and 2000. It was a fun band, and we had some great times!

Recently a good friend of mine produced a video of us playing at the 1999 festival (20th June), which was an absolute joy to see. Up to that point I had no idea that any video existed of us in action! I have a few photos, but that is all.

The purpose of this message is to ask if anyone else has any video of us playing! If you do, I would be most happy if you would get in touch.

Many thanks!

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