Cotswold Wardens Walk

Tony H Merry

Fri 20 May 2016, 19:24

So the weather is not great for tomorrow but I think it will not be too bad. The path should not be muddy even if it rains. If you want to see some views from the walk look here

Tony H Merry

Tue 17 May 2016, 19:01 (last edited on Thu 19 May 2016, 12:38)

We have a walk this Saturday from Church Enstone to Kiddington along the Upper Glyme Valley Kiddington Park was the first project of Capability Brown and we are going there part of his 300th anniversary
We start from the Crown in Church Enstone at 10.00 am and should be back by 2.00 when you can have a pub lunch
Its a really nice walk and a good path dry with no steep climbs
So you would be very welcome to join us
Walk leaders Tony Merry and Harriet Baldwin

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