Lost swings

Claire Wilding

Mon 16 May 2016, 20:01

If they are bring replaced I wonder if it would be possible to have one as an ordinary swing seat rather than two toddler seats - who would I need to suggest that to?

lucy Crane-Lupton

Mon 16 May 2016, 11:33

They were reported to be unsafe. Thank you to all those that are working hard to get them replaced.

Kathy Broughton

Mon 16 May 2016, 10:23

I don't know, Lucy, but I'll find out.

lucy Crane-Lupton

Sun 15 May 2016, 19:36 (last edited on Sun 15 May 2016, 19:44)

Does anyone know why the swings have gone missing from the Ticknell Piece Playground?

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