Uses for Cornbury

Simon Walker

Thu 5 May 2016, 15:07

You're getting confused, James. That's 'mooist', not 'Maoist'. And in any case, it would be hard to describe the footpath in question as 'shining', pleasant as it may be now that the ground has dried out.

Malcolm Biranek

Wed 4 May 2016, 20:37

Just the thing for a Chinese Billionaire :) or perhaps a retired prime minister?

James Styring

Wed 4 May 2016, 20:18

Never had you down as Shining Path, Simon.


Wed 4 May 2016, 16:55

What's the point of the social club going to cornbury when they play football on nine acres

Simon Walker

Wed 4 May 2016, 14:06

I say, I say - that's a bit 'cowist' isn't it ....

Katrina Ross

Wed 4 May 2016, 12:44

The 13 acres are the formal gardens around the house and not where wilderness is that is parkland which is seperate!
As for the foot path fence it will stay unless you want to share the footpath with the cows!!

Michael Flanagan

Wed 4 May 2016, 12:07

"We could even get that electric fence removed alongside the footpath."

Are you sure? "13 acres of formal gardens" the ad says, which sounds like just the area inside the gates.

The bits we can walk across are likely either to stay in Rotherwick's portfolio, or to be getting sold separately as agricultural land.

But those 13 acres are where Wilderness is held. How do we think Dmitri Kleptocratov will feel about 30,000 possible KGB agents milling round his Cotswold hideaway every year?

No mention on the Savills site that the deal involves maintaining the commitment to Wilderness

Andrew Chapman

Wed 4 May 2016, 11:20

It's not too late to move the new community centre there - or the sports and social club.

James Styring

Wed 4 May 2016, 10:26

Well spotted Hans (previous thread) that Cornbury is up for sale - if only on a 10 year lease - for £3.6m: The mortgage repayment calculator
on the Rightmove page makes that £33k a month (+ deposit).
With Wilderness coming up, will any Charlbury entrepreneurs get in quick enough to offer rooms for rent to rich punters?
Community-minded souls might like to open a local outdoor pool - see photo #3 - why drive to Chippy or Woodstock with that on your doorstep?
A couple of weddings a month and this could look like a good proposition (if you had access to credit).
We could even get that electric fence removed alongside the footpath.
The mind boggles.
Suggestions, please …

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