Quiz and chilli night next Friday 6th May 7pm

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Mon 9 May 2016, 20:15

Thanks on behalf of the 14 people it took to make the event the success it was! We've had some flattering emails too, so we really will have to hold another. (Any volunteers!?)

Meanwhile, I can report that the evening made a net surplus of £1059, which will go to refugee relief agencies. We will be allocating our donations soon, and will post the information on the News page of this website.

If you want to keep in touch with what CRAG does, email charlburyrefugee@gmail.com and ask to join our mailing list. You will also find refugee news at www.facebook.com/charlburyrefugee . Offers of help always welcome too!

vicky burton

Sat 7 May 2016, 13:56

A really fun night & fantastic chilli! I hope you'll be holding another one soon! Well done and thank you to all who helped organise this wonderful event for a great cause.

Hannen Beith

Sat 7 May 2016, 12:44

Many thanks to all who organised and contributed to the evening. Even though our team was awarded the wooden spoon we had a great evening, and all in a good cause.

Felicity Brooks

Fri 6 May 2016, 10:41

Tickets are now sold out for tonight. Thanks to everyone who booked them and look forward to seeing you all later for an entertaining evening.

Felicity Brooks

Sat 30 Apr 2016, 11:39

Tickets are selling well for this event at the Memorial Hall in aid of Charlbury Refugee Action Group. If you want to come along, please let annacolgan@me.com 01608811351 know by Wednesday or pick up a ticket from the Post Office or Cotswold Frames. Teams of up to 6 people. There will be a bar, prizes and a raffle, an excellent quiz and veggie or meat chilli all for only £10 per person. Hope to see you there!

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