Boundary Walk

Tony H Merry

Thu 28 Apr 2016, 22:17

Everything is now set for the boundary walk this Sunday including the lunch stop at Model Farm Ditchley kindly provided by Robert and Maxine Hobill once again.
As I said the going is pretty good this year so it should be a a very pleasant walk.
It would be helpful to know who might want a lift so please telephone on 811022 or email to arrange this
If there is a demand we could provide transport as follows
1. The start of the walk
2. Drive to Lees Rest Farm
3. Ditchley Model Farm (lunch)
So I hope you will come along for a good day's walk on Sunday

Tony H Merry

Sun 24 Apr 2016, 17:23

Its time for the Parish Boundary walk again next Sunday 1st May (Rogation Day)
I have by prewalking it and the going is very good despite the rain we have had and the earlier date means the nettles are not up yet.
If you have not done it before I can recommend it as we get onto land which is normally private and there are fine views to be had. We start at the top of Forest Hill at 10.00 am and should finish about 4.00pm in Charlbury with a break for lunch at the model farm Ditchley. Total distance is about 10 and a half miles.
Dogs must be on a lead at all time and children must be with Adults
The route may be found HERE

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