Liz Reason |
Sat 30 Apr 2016, 18:24 It's not that 'some people decide for themselves which rules they want to obey and which they don't'. The Enviro-Crime Unit at WODC is required to respond to specific complaints. So it's more a question of what complainants take against. Other non-compliant banners and posters are overlooked by the Unit if no-one makes a complaint. |
Janet Burroughs |
Wed 27 Apr 2016, 21:47 Some years ago I was involved in the campaign to obtain planning permission for Thames Valley Farmers Markets to put up signs advertising forthcoming Farmers Markets. The multiple applications had to be made, one for each market, as they fell under the Town and Country (Control of Advertising) Regulations 2007 and were neither advertising that was exempt or that had deemed consent. These signs are placed on public land, but I think that you will find that the regulations apply to advertising material wherever it is placed, i.e. they do control what is placed on private land as that is where the majority of advertising, business or other, is found. Election advertising is a advertising that is specifically exempt from regulation. For most other advertising the question will be "Does it fall within a category under deemed consent?" Unless it does, permission must be applied for through the planning process. |
Andrew Greenfield |
Wed 27 Apr 2016, 16:51 Also just for clarification, and not to suggest posters should be this size, you should note that 0.3 square metres means the poster can be up to 500mm x 600mm; a lot bigger than A4 paper |
Alan Wilson |
Wed 27 Apr 2016, 16:14 Thanks for the clarification, Liz (L) - I have sent you a separate message about what prompted my queries. Liz (R), I sympathise with what you say - I am involved in organising other community-type activities, and we obviously want to let people know what we are up to! But I am uncomfortable with the implication that people therefore get to decide for themselves which rules they want to obey and which they don't.... |
Liz Reason |
Wed 27 Apr 2016, 15:49 The application of the letter of the law would see enforcement against other posters and banners around town but I, for one, happily accept that commuunity organisations have a right to inform others in their community of what is going on. |
Liz Leffman |
Wed 27 Apr 2016, 12:00 (last edited on Wed 27 Apr 2016, 12:20) To clarify what Tony said, Alan, anyone is permitted to display a poster on their own land, including something larger than A4, which is why we see large political posters on people's land. If you have seen some posters that are not in people's gardens, ie: on the wall OUTSIDE their property or on the highway, please can you let me know where they are - the responsibility for enforcement lies with the District Council, not the Town Council. In case you are thinking of the one that is on the gate at the field where the solar farm is to be built, I have discussed that with officers and they happy for it to be there.
Alan Wilson |
Wed 27 Apr 2016, 10:44 Will the town council be recommending enforcement action is taken against those who still appear to be disregarding this law? |
Alan Wilson |
Fri 22 Apr 2016, 23:32 Thanks for explaining the rules regarding planning permission, Tony. I can't help wondering whether some people feel there is no need for them to obey these rules when they are doing something for what they see as a "good cause". |
Tony H Merry |
Fri 15 Apr 2016, 18:48 The reason why they were taken down is probably that they did not have planning permission and not any discrimination against Southill Solar. You may need to apply for advertisement consent to display an advertisement bigger than 0.3 square metres (or any size if illuminated) on the front of, or outside, your property (be it a house or business premises). This applies to notices about anything even for totally non-commercial signs such as the Walkers are Welcome or the Community Forum notices at the Coop which we had to apply for planning permission before they could be put up. So basically anything larger than A4 size would require permission even on your own property WODC can advise further |
Jim Holah |
Fri 15 Apr 2016, 15:11 Als I've emailed you. We'd like a poster please. Jim |
Alexandra Parker |
Fri 15 Apr 2016, 07:03 Thank you Miles, if you let me know your address, I'll drop one off to you. Als |
Miles Walkden |
Thu 14 Apr 2016, 22:46 See! Good news stories abound (apart from having to take down the posters - why is that)? I am proud to be a supporter and would be happy to put one up. |
Liz Reason |
Thu 14 Apr 2016, 15:34 Not everyone who is a supporter is able or willing to invest. We are thrilled at the numbers that are. |
Charlie Peacock |
Thu 14 Apr 2016, 14:43 More than 200?? A far cry from the supposed 83% Charlbury support that was mentioned in the local press. |
Alexandra Parker |
Thu 14 Apr 2016, 11:37 (last edited on Thu 14 Apr 2016, 11:40) Sadly we've been asked to take our Southill Solar posters down from public property in and around Charlbury - a real shame as we are trying to spread awareness of the opportunity to be part of this exciting community project that will bring money back to the local area. Instead we hope we can get more posters up on private land so if you'd like a stake for your front garden or a poster for your window please get in touch at and provide me with your details. More than 200 local individuals and families have invested to date and I know that some posters have been printed off and put up by our wonderful supporters - if you are one of them, please could you take down any that you might have put up if they are on public land i.e. lamp posts. I'll get back on my bike and start taking any down that we have put up. Lastly, does anyone have a good idea for our big banner that has been at the playing close as this has to come down to. Could anyone host it? Thanks for listening! Als
Alexandra Parker |
Tue 12 Apr 2016, 21:49 Hi Jenny, I'll drop one to you in the morning. I think you are the house with the lovely green door! Als |
Jenny Chambers |
Tue 12 Apr 2016, 08:33 Hi Alexandra, |
Alexandra Parker |
Mon 11 Apr 2016, 09:24 Before anyone gets worried, a bit corporate isn't going to come in and take over. I was just trying to make a point! The total investment currently stands at £700k of which a staggering 80% has come from the local community. Alongside our equity raise we have been offered additional sources of capital - this means that we are confident the project will proceed however much equity we raise. But we want to spread the word about Southill Community Energy to get as much local investment as possible. Over the next 4 weeks we will working hard to connect with more potential investors to help convince more 'would-be' investors to join us. Visit our website at to find out how you can be a part of this. |
Alexandra Parker |
Mon 11 Apr 2016, 09:08 To whoever it is who has been taking down the Southill Community Energy posters from around Charlbury, I think it is a really mean trick. We are working hard to spread the message that local people can invest in the solar farm and get good returns, rather than a big corporate taking over and gaining all the returns themselves. This is a community scheme and people should be informed and able to find out more. If you don't agree, or have other ideas, please talk to us direct at Thank you |
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