Wild garlic

Shelagh Scott

Thu 21 Apr 2016, 17:49

Unfortunately, the garlic in the churchyard and on the Playing Close is the same invasive plant that Diana has in her garden. What I had hoped to find, Allium Ursinum, looks quite different with pretty star shaped flowers, and leaves each with their own stem.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 21 Apr 2016, 12:22

I'd love some wild garlic (ramsons, after which Ramsden gets its name = ramsons valley) in the garden but it's illegal to dig it up in the wild. If anyone has some to spare in their garden and would let me come and dig a few plats up, I'd be very grateful. But not the kind Diana has, I'm afraid!

Diana Limburg

Thu 21 Apr 2016, 09:51

I've researched 'my' wild garlic a bit more, after I saw some wild garlic in the nature reserve - which looks quite different from mine. Turns out mine is a species of wild garlic called 'few-flowered garlic' (Allium paradoxical), which is unfortunately an invasive non-native species. Which explains why it's so rampant I guess. It's also a lot less pretty than the native wild garlic (ramsons). It's fully edible though (to my relieve, as I was for a moment worried I'd poisoned some people), and has a much stronger garlic smell than the native wild garlic (my own observation). I found the information ultimately on: www.nonnativespecies.org/downloadDocument.cfm?id=343


Mon 11 Apr 2016, 22:06

There is Loads up quarry lane.

Diana Limburg

Sat 9 Apr 2016, 23:16

We have loads in our garden, unfortunately. Anyone who wants some, please send me a message via the website and we can arrange for you to come and pick as much as you like.

graham W

Sat 9 Apr 2016, 22:34

Even more in the Co-op!!

Jody O'Reilly

Sat 9 Apr 2016, 22:23

Miles that is exactly NOT what I was suggesting!!

john h

Sat 9 Apr 2016, 16:28

If you are thinking of growing some ,keep it in a container,as it spreads like wildfire,once established very diffficult to remove.

Miles Walkden

Sat 9 Apr 2016, 14:44

The enstone allotments are great for wild Garlic. I also found some wild potatoes, leaks and carrots.

Jody O'Reilly

Sat 9 Apr 2016, 14:07

There's masses on the enstone road allotments, I can't imagine anyone would object to it being picked, lots on the verge outside too but right by the road.

john h

Sat 9 Apr 2016, 10:15

around the fountain there is a patch John H

Leah Fowler

Fri 8 Apr 2016, 18:37

Lots in the Church Yard, Church Lane end

Shelagh Scott

Fri 8 Apr 2016, 18:26

Does anyone know where I might find some near a footpath anywhere near Charlbury?

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