The Trains

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 15 Jun 2007, 09:34

I'm locking this particular thread. If you'd like to talk about Charlbury's trains, please feel free to start a new thread; if you'd like to talk about the iniquities or otherwise of privatisation, again, please do so; but let's keep the two separate.

If you do want to talk about railway privatisation in general, you may find this newsgroup more relevant.

Andrew Hamilton

Fri 15 Jun 2007, 09:16

I NEVER stated travel by car instead of the train. I was only replying to the earlier comment, if your in a car your always on time.


Fri 15 Jun 2007, 08:54

It STILL boils down to PRIVATISATION. Our railways should NEVER have been 'sold off' in the first place.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Fri 15 Jun 2007, 01:35

Excuse me - aren't you all missing the point here. I DONT CARE if they are stretched somewhere else - that's FGW's problem - we have a major problem here on the Cotswold Line - and it's not just down to the single track - though I am sure that Andrew would say it was. As Frank said, most of the problems are the result of trains which have broken down (FGW problem I think) and lack of staff (FGW problem); this then has a knock on affect all day - causing trains to be cancelled as they were today. I know of one person who was trying to get to Hanborough. The 7.48 was cancelled and the next one to Hanborough was also cancelled. As a consequence, this person could lose a day's pay. What have you got to say about that Andrew? Not all of us swan about in cars! Enough is enough - no excuses anymore.

Andrew Hamilton

Fri 15 Jun 2007, 00:10

Thank You. The Adelantes (14 of them) have been stretched to cover othe parts of the region resulting in shortages on the Cotswold line. Not underleasing but FGW promising to run too many trains.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Thu 14 Jun 2007, 23:13

Yes, they've underleased Sprinters in the West (i.e. the ex-Wessex Trains operation). It's well documented that Express Sprinters were sitting around idle because FGW wouldn't pay to lease them. (Whether this was FGW's decision or an edict from the Department for Transport is still debated.)

Consequently HSTs and Adelantes are required to work there when they could be used on the Cotswold or Paddington-Oxford routes. After all, 14 Adelantes would be more than enough for the Cotswold Line!

Frank Payne

Thu 14 Jun 2007, 22:27

It's not a question of whether FGW could have leased more Adelantes than have been built, but that when they renogotiated the lease last year they actually reduced the number of trains they were renting, with all the problems that followed.

Andrew Hamilton

Thu 14 Jun 2007, 21:18

Is it possible to lease anymore Adelantes as only 14 were ever made. Are Chiltern trains going to lease turbos to FGW?

Frank Payne

Thu 14 Jun 2007, 20:54

I'm afraid they did underlease, which is why they sent internal memos to their staff before Christmas warning them that there would be cancellations and disruption of services from the New Year as a result. What puzzles me is how their managers got themselves into that situation.

Andrew Hamilton

Thu 14 Jun 2007, 18:33

I don't think FGW have underleased, they haven't got rid of any Turbo's or Adelantes - I think they are spread out too much over the entire timetable. Trying to stengthen other busy services from Oxford to Paddington and other places.

Frank Payne

Thu 14 Jun 2007, 17:24

I agree that the single track makes things worse, often a lot worse, but the main problems I'm experiencing are because of: (i) train staff not turning up on time, or not at all; (ii) trains breaking down - presumably lack of maintenance or is FGW unique in having unreliable trains; (iii) not enough trains, through underleasing for this year, resulting in cancellations or replacement of Adelantes with very overcrowded turbos.

Andrew Hamilton

Thu 14 Jun 2007, 16:07

To julian roger stewart

The main reason for the limited service on the Cotswold line is the single track. As soon as the line is double tracked then you will see an improvement.

also when your in a car are you always ontime? never stuck in traffic?

julian roger stewart

Thu 14 Jun 2007, 11:05

If I buy a plane ticket I get a seat. Why are trains so different ? You pay your full fare and are expected to stand for the whole journey. With the amount of people using & paying for the Worcester\Paddington line I find it amazing that they can't add more trains. Is it the single track issue ? Lack of funds ? Fortunately I don't have to commute everyday - but recently I've started driving to London, dumping it outside of the congestion zone and picking it up later. I know its not environmentally friendly but at least my car leaves on time ! Surely the benefits to the economy (mobile workforce) and the environment are such that greater central government investment is a good idea all round.

Frank Payne

Wed 13 Jun 2007, 09:25

Personally, I believe that only the threat of losing the franchise will improve matters. Last year FGW told its employees that they were at risk of losing part of the franchise (I think it was the Cotswold line) because of poor performance. I would be interested to find out what powers the regulator has over the franchise - at least one other rail company has benn penalised in this way. I can't believe that a monoply like FGW can blatantly fail to deliver what it promised without being subject to penalities. Can they be sued for example, or can someone like David Caameron or Jack Straw take this to higher powers that can do something? I think further discussions with FGW are just a waste of time.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Wed 13 Jun 2007, 00:36

This thread has been active for four months now; we been on radio, TV, the blog has appeared on TV, articles have been written in the local press, MPs have had meetings with FGW - and ITS STILL NO BETTER. What are we to do? Drastic action is now called for - any suggestions?

Frank Payne

Tue 12 Jun 2007, 23:14

The point about FGW is that they bid for the franchise on the basis that they could and would deliver a certain level of service, including timetable, punctuality and standard of trains. They were willing to pay a great deal of money to obtain a very profitable monopoly for their share holders. As a passenger I have no choice but to use their service if I want to travel by train to work. If I don’t like the service that other utilities provide such as electricity, gas, telephone etc. then I can change them; but FGW has a total monopoly which they abuse.

On punctuality they have never come remotely close to reaching the level that they are required to do. Last month only 71% of their trains on the Thames Valley services were on time. In effect, as a business they do not have to live in the real world, where failure to deliver to contract would be rewarded by loss of business or even loss of franchise.

The ineptness of their management was revealed when they leased too few trains last year to properly run the service from the start of this year – presumably to save money. The result was that the leasing company found other customers for their trains leaving FGW unable to make up the short fall. This was partly responsible for the cancellations and replacement of Adelantes by turbos that we are now suffering. Their inflexible arrangements for staff holidays belongs in the 19th century and exacerbates the cause of cancellations through train crews not being available for duty.

But what really angers me is the total utter contempt shown for passengers by the company.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Tue 12 Jun 2007, 18:22

Why should we have to move just because FGW cant get their act together? I wouldnt call Oxford far from your work if you live in Charlbury - not everyone can drive - and surely one of the pluses in living in Charlbury is that we DO have a station - although recently the trains cannot be relied upon to be on time. And when the train is on time its great - 1hr 15 mins into London (although when we first moved here it was only 55 mins).


Tue 12 Jun 2007, 16:36

Why do people not move closer to their place of work or closer to a station on a different line that provides a more reliable service?
Surely some of the 'Charlbury Complainers' must be able to do this??

Susan Way

Tue 12 Jun 2007, 16:13

The 17.27 from Oxford to Charlbury arrived in Charlbury over 20 minutes late last night. Not much use if you are racing home to pick up a child from after school activities.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Tue 12 Jun 2007, 14:53

I'm not sure whether the people suddenly popping up to defend the railways have actually experienced the Cotswold Line as it is at present.

We've had a fair amount of exposure for the commuter blog in recent weeks (the TV item, postings on various forums around the Internet). This has brought it to the attention of people on lines with trains every 15 minutes, who perhaps can't see what Charlbury people are complaining about.

Alan Jones, for example, surely could not have never made a comment like that if he regularly tried to make connections from the Cotswold Line to another line. Changing at Oxford to the Banbury or Bicester lines is pretty bad. Changing at Worcester for, say, Ashchurch can be so unreliable that the only option is to drive, pretty much. As Ian Taylor said, five minutes' delay in one place can mean an hour or more somewhere else.

J Norris

Tue 12 Jun 2007, 14:18

I believe that for the purposes of their annual statistics and reports, a FGW HST is considered 'on time' it it arrives within 10 mintes of the timetable. So our view of what constitutes an 'on time' train is significantly different to that of the railways.

Caroline Shenton

Tue 12 Jun 2007, 13:35

The point about five minutes delay is, that if you've already experienced a week of more serious delays and cancellations, it just adds insult to injury. It is very stressful and wearing, and yes - most of us would like to have a life outside commuting. Also, the trains from Charlbury are not every ten minutes as for example, at Reading, so that journeys are often planned to catch crucial connections or to make it in time to meetings. If we cannot rely on certain traine to be on time, we waste a good hour or two going in earlier just to make sure we're on time for something.

Frank Payne

Tue 12 Jun 2007, 10:44

If I leave Charlbury at 9.00am I usually find there's no problem. Mostly I'm then in the middle of Oxford by 9.50.


Tue 12 Jun 2007, 10:19

I think i might take the park and ride, it seems like a better idea for me, although anyone who drives in or around Oxford.... what sort of times are the roads busy upto the peartree?

alan jones

Tue 12 Jun 2007, 09:38

For your benefit Derek Collett
i do not work on the railway but you show me a perfect company/business and i will show you utopia,it does not exist in the real world,i use trains regularly and am pleased with service but dont get stressed up about a few minutes delay.

Frank Payne

Mon 11 Jun 2007, 17:11

I use both Park and Ride and trains depending on the timing of my journey to Oxford. The Pear Tree park and ride is very convenient from Charlbury, and costs 60p to park and £2 return per person on the bus into the city. Round trip to Pear Tree from Charlbury is about 26 miles and I reckon costs me about £3 in petrol, making the cost of Park and Ride about £5.60. However, at peak times I would never use it as the roads around Oxford are often grid locked. Then, the train is a much better bet if it is on time, and not much difference in price, and quite a bit cheaper off peak with a Cotswold card. The only other problem with the train is that return services during the afternoon are not very frequent.

J Norris

Mon 11 Jun 2007, 16:10

P&R is free to park at the County Council sites: Water Eaton (North) and Thornhill (East). Alternatively, you can park in Seacourt (East) for 60p and walk into town - only 30 min stroll along the Botley Road.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Mon 11 Jun 2007, 15:40

However, if you go during peak times, it is £6.80. However, the Park & Ride is not as cheap as it seems - depending on how long you will be there. It's 60p to park, but to get the bus is £1.50 each way, each person. So it can be cheaper just to park in the multi-storey if you are only going for a few hours and there are more than one of you.

Nick Burch

Mon 11 Jun 2007, 14:18

If you have a cotswolds railcard (7.50 for the year), it's 3.30 for a cheap day return between Oxford and Charlbury, otherwise it's a fiver for a cheap day return.


Mon 11 Jun 2007, 13:25

I was going to use the train to get into Oxford in a few days but i think i might catch the park and ride now! What does it cost for a return to Oxford from Charlbury on the train anyway?

vanessa maundrell

Fri 8 Jun 2007, 17:28

I live in Long Hanborough so I hope you won't mind me posting my comments about the chronic inefficiency of the trains. I run a B&B and lots of guests travel here by train. The knock-on effect of train cancellations has affected many tourists (and ourselves) who want to get to Oxford/Reading to take the Heathrow/Gatwick bus to catch their plane. I now advise them all to take an earlier train to compensate for cancellations! In the past when a train was cancelled while waiting at the station I have then actually driven the guest to Oxford which was not easy when I have other B&B guests waiting for their breakfasts! Personally I have had the most frustraing experiences, which I could list if necessary. The recent removal of the 16.22 from Reading to Hanborough was the last straw.
On my last visit I relied on the following train which meant changing at Oxford but it was cancelled! I should have been back in Long Hanborough by 5.30ish but did not get back till 7pm.

Frank Payne

Fri 8 Jun 2007, 10:06

As a comparison with the Manchester - London fare mentioned by Richard, last year I travelled by train from London to Strasbourg. The fare, travelling first class all the way, was £209 return, which included several very good meals. A first class from Charlbury to London is almost £100 for a fraction of the distance.

Andrew Hamilton

Fri 8 Jun 2007, 09:53

The Cotswold line was Single-lined in the Seventies under British Rail and has been rubbish ever since. Start shouting for double tracking and see the difference.


Thu 7 Jun 2007, 22:16

The main problem with the 'Cotswold line' and rail in general is PRIVATISATION. It NEVER works for a national industry. The railways today are for 'Fat cat directors' and not the general public.
Who was it that sold it off?....oh yes the Conservatives - say no more!

Ian Taylor

Wed 6 Jun 2007, 13:30

Five minutes can be a big deal - I commute into Charlbury from Hampshire. If my homeward-bound train is five minutes late into Reading, then I miss my connection and I have to wait at Reading station for an hour, turning my journey home into almost three hours of frustration.

I'd say the evening trains into Reading were five minutes late or more at least 9 times out of 10.

J Norris

Wed 6 Jun 2007, 12:47

Well, looking on the bright side, at least if they don't redouble Charlbury all the trains will still arrive at the same platform! If they added a platform for Westbound trains we would all have to troup through the business park and over the road bridge to get back to Charlbury / our cars on the return home.

Andrew Hamilton

Wed 6 Jun 2007, 12:38

Good news if they could re-double part of the network or even add a loop at Charlbury to ease congestion.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 6 Jun 2007, 12:00

Network Rail is actually looking into this at the moment. Rumour has it that the Honeybourne section is almost certain to be redoubled, though possibly not the Wolvercote-Charlbury-Ascott bit.

Andrew Hamilton

Wed 6 Jun 2007, 10:50

Hello, long time lurker who lives in Oxford. Maybe you should start a campaign to re-double the single track and have new signalling put in to replace the old semaphore signalling. It appears to me the service on the Cotswold line train service has no recovery for late running.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Wed 6 Jun 2007, 07:26

Please carry one blogging - dont believe the trains were on time yesterday!! Obviously what we are doing is having some affect as both Radio Oxford and BBC South Today chose to run with the story - even showing the blog entries and our website address!!

Derek Collett

Tue 5 Jun 2007, 23:03

Alan: presumably you work for First Great Western because your "five minutes late doesn't matter" attitude is shared by most of their staff!

Carolyn Hazeel

Tue 5 Jun 2007, 21:44

i travelled to London by train to-day. The 12.20 arrived at 12.45 and the return train 17.22 was also delayed between Didcot and Oxford.

graham W

Tue 5 Jun 2007, 21:05

I wonder what Alan would say if he had s business say with with 12 employees and they relied on the train to get to work, 12 people @ 5 mins thats 1 working hour lost, now times that across the whole network - rather a lot, Hence why family have all got cars / m/cycles - cheaper and more reliable.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Tue 5 Jun 2007, 19:57

Alan - we decided to keep a record of EXACTLY what time the trains were running late - or on time - so even 5 mins is important. I am sure if you missed a connection by a train being 5 minutes late - you would complain. And although a train may be 5 minutes late in Oxford, by the time it gets to Paddington, it could be 30 minutes late.

Birgit den Outer

Tue 5 Jun 2007, 19:37

It's the not getting a life because of poor train service that is the problem. My husband regularly gets the first train out of Charlbury just to make sure he gets to 9 am appointments in London on time. He often comes home very much delayed because of trains not running on time and misses out on family life, not to mention his constant tiredness. I commuted to Oxford for 5 years, in which I was pregnant twice and had to stand regularly (or sit on the floor), and it was the not knowing if you were going to get somewhere on time combined with the poor supply, or total absense, of information that drove me mad. Let's also not forget that the British railway system is the most expensive in Europe with very little to show for its continuous price rises. It's a disgrace that it is now officially cheaper to fly to Manchester than it is to go by train! I love living in this country but really can't think of anything good to say about the trains.

alan jones

Tue 5 Jun 2007, 17:22

People complain about 5 minutes late,good heavens get a life its not the end of the world

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Tue 5 Jun 2007, 14:56

Manchester-London is £219 standard return on Virgin.

Christine Battersby

Tue 5 Jun 2007, 14:44

Gayle, I notice you are not a local rail user & are not talking about First Great Western. As such, your defence of British Rail Companies & the suggestion that this is just media scaremongering is hardly compelling. The log of problems suggests otherwise: see

Gayle Shetland

Tue 5 Jun 2007, 13:47

I empathise with your poor rail service, I remember the French company Connex who were constantly voted the worst train operator and they eventually lost their franchise.

However, the TV coverage is, as usual scaremongering. Where on earth do they get a return fare of £200 to London on Virgin trains? I turn up at my ticket office, on the day, and am never charged more than £75 for a return from Bournemouth to Chesterfield on Virgin trains.

Btw, SW Trains are always on time and the return fare to London, with Network Card, from Bournemouth to London is just £23 (a normal ticket, not a special deal or anything). Trains are all new, clean and all have CCTV and on train information displays. Staff are polite and the guards always make regularannouncements.

Why can't the media say something good about the railways for a change rather than just picking on the bad bits.


Susie Finch
(site admin)

Mon 4 Jun 2007, 21:10

BBC South Today will be at Charlbury station tomorrow morning at 7am to talk to commuters. Please be there and say your bit. Radio Oxford were there today - obviously something we have said must be getting through. I, for my sins, and dont ask me why, have been asked to be interviewed - if you have any points that you wish me to bring up - please let me know before tomorrow - email me at or ring me on 810861.

graham W

Mon 28 May 2007, 14:58

Used the train on Sunday pm, the board states 17 min delay and rising, station annoucement says 28 mins late, then about 10 mins later arriving in 1 minute. I think they should change their name to FARCE Great Western.

Frank Payne

Sat 26 May 2007, 08:35

It's not just the poor time keeping. Yesterday I had a very unpleasant experience at Oxford at the hands of a revenue protection officer (these are the men dressed in black overcoats at the barriers) who took my return ticket away accusing me of not having a valid ticket. This was because I had broken my journey from London to Charlbury, which is perfectly permissible. In the end I had to physically remove my ticket from the gentleman. I guess I was lucky as a couple of weeks ago I experienced a much more unpleasant incident on the train waiting to leave Oxford for Hereford. The ticket inspector accused a passenger of threatening him, and although everyone nearby said nothing of the sort had happened he summoned the police and had the man (a middle aged gentleman) dumped on the platform and left at Oxford. Even after the train left passnegers told the guard that he was wrong, who simply ignored them.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Fri 25 May 2007, 19:19

This week's not been very good - the first week of the new timetable. Why do they have to change it? The same thing happenned last time in December and we had only just got back to normal. Now it seems as if its going to start all over again. Will someone please explain why they keep on changing the timetable - by only a few minutes. Does it really make things any better?!!

Ian Lewis

Thu 24 May 2007, 12:13

The long promised ticket machine has arrived, ok it is not working yet and it has been situated facing almost directly into the sun so the screen is almost impossible to read (it says 'Out of Order'!)

J Norris

Thu 24 May 2007, 09:37

I wonder when Oxford / the Cotswold Line last had a direct connection with Wales? This doesn't appear to have publicised anywhere.

dave wells

Wed 23 May 2007, 20:28

I wonder if there are EU or Regional funds subsidising services connecting Wales with London ? Or is that a cheap shot ? Having grown up in Hereford I am confident it would be quicker to travel from Abergavenny to London via Newport and not via Hereford, (many more connections from S Wales)

J Norris

Wed 23 May 2007, 10:26

I wonder if anyone is actually travelling from Abergavenny? It should be feasible to go there for the weekend (connect at Hereford outbound?) and come back direct early Monday morning!

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 23 May 2007, 09:16

It is just the early-morning HSTs - shame, a Friday night train to Abergavenny would be quite nice for a weekend in the Brecon Beacons. There's confirmation on the National Rail timetable website if you look really hard - see here under tables 126 and 131.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Tue 22 May 2007, 19:32

Its really confusing this Abergavenny thing. All the timetables are printed as starting from Hereford. The posters on the side of the train say Hereford. But the live departure board again said Abergavenny this morning - maybe its just the early morning trains. I have visions of people standing at Paddington looking at the boards for the Hereford train, only to find an Abergavenny one!!

Ian Lewis

Tue 22 May 2007, 18:00

Richard, On the Station concourse at Oxford there are now big posters listing all the trains that no longer take bicycles...including the Hereford (sorry Abergavenny) to Paddington trains.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Tue 22 May 2007, 17:28

Susie has posted in the commuter blog that the live departure boards now claim the HSTs start from Abergavenny, not Hereford. Looking at the online journey planner, this appears to be true and deliberate! I believe at least one of the HSTs came that way anyway, but not carrying passengers.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Wed 16 May 2007, 21:31

I havent seen yet what they have done to the old Charlbury station sign (but it did need doing up) but Charlbury Station is a listed building and so therefore everything should be in keeping with that fact. That is why the benches appeared and then disappeared some time ago. We dont want all blue signs up everywhere - bring back the brown!! I think they have to have planning permission to change the signs.

Caroline Shenton

Wed 16 May 2007, 13:54

I quite like the new style airline seating. I overheard someone say that it had increased the capacity in each carriage from 44 seats to 70. I like the sockets too for laptops. But I don't like the tiny anti-maccassar thingies - they're too small to stop the sides of the headrest from getting dirty quickly, and also the 'Quiet' signage in the Quiet carriage is absolutely minimal which will only cause further irritation in future. A fight nearly broke out the other day on a quiet carriage...

Re-reading this and other posts I've recently made I think I'm turning into Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells/Grumpy Old Woman at the age of 41...

Ian Lewis

Wed 16 May 2007, 11:57

Last night I noticed a replacement sign (unpainted) on the ground having just had the letters transferred over from the old damaged sign.

Regarding the new style HST carriages....yes the seats are comfortable but very claustrophobic...there is no view down the carriage, just the back of the seat in front.

Last night I was in coach B of the late running 1648 Oxford to Worcester which had a 'flat spot on one wheel, the resultant 'hammering' could be felt inside the carriage and after 30min of slow running was beginning to drive me crazy, glad to get off at Charlbury!

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 16 May 2007, 11:23

The old sign at the country end has been in a sorry state for some time - part of the underside appeared to have been removed by someone with a saw. Given that FGW/Thames (can't remember which) installed a similar, though less authentic, brown sign at Pershore the other year it would seem ridiculous to remove the ones at Charlbury.

I was fairly pleasantly surprised the other day, though, to have a look inside one of the new carriages. The tall seats and uni-directional seating are indeed a step back and one which I was expecting; but the seats seem comfortable, the seat-back tables are well designed (there's a little metal rectangle which pulls out so you can rest a laptop on them), and there are power points, which I will find enormously useful.

Incidentally, rumour has it that FGW may be keeping the Adelantes after all, though presumably not on our line. A further rumour is that First have made such a hash of FGW that the Government has decided to eliminate them from the bidding for CrossCountry...

Frank Payne

Wed 16 May 2007, 11:03

I hope the sign is not going to be replaced by something in keeping with the hideous metal benches installed on the platfrom recently, which simply confirmed my view that FGW is run by total utter morons. I thought that the building was an original Brunel station and as such might be listed in some way. If so the sign might be protected.

Caroline Shenton

Wed 16 May 2007, 10:49

Thanks Derek!

And what is now going on with the nice old vintage station signs? I see they have been removed and are now on the ground gathering rainwater. I sincerely hope that they are just being refurbished not going to be done away with completely. And why has some moron put a laminated sign on the ticket office window saying 'Ticket Office'? Surely that's pretty damn obvious? And why, oh why, do I see that the new style trains have a couple of first class carriage with stickers on the windows saying 'Brasserie'.???

When, oh when, will FGW get it into their idiotic skulls that all commuters want is a service which is reliable, comfortable (ie with enough seats for all) and on time? We do not need rebranding, stickers, and presentational guff at all. GRRRRRRRRRR!

Derek Collett

Thu 10 May 2007, 11:35

Hi Caroline. I was at the station the Saturday before last when the electronic screens were dispensing their usual witless barrage of unadulterated garbage. When I commented on this to a friend on the platform a woman from FGW chipped in to say that they were soon going to be replaced with something better. I was sorely tempted to say that a monkey with a typewriter would be better when it comes to dispensing accurate rail information but managed to restrain myself! I only hope it's true and that we will soon get something reliable and useful. While we're on the subject of new stuff, when does Charlbury get its new (outdoor) ticket machine? Hanborough have had one for months!

Caroline Shenton

Tue 8 May 2007, 12:53

Susie - hope all better now and that you got the job!

I noticed this morning that there were two FGW 'service delivery' staff on the platform staring at the wonder that is the electronic timetable screen and saying they were getting to know the station. Shame it wasn't on a more typical day. Is this a result of David Cameron's little chat with FGW, or the blog, or just a coincidence do you think?

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Fri 4 May 2007, 16:18

I cant say I will NEVER say a bad word about FGW - but this was my experience today. Rushing for train, queue long as different ticket guy, fell UP the train and lost my shoe onto the track!!! Also, badly cut my leg and blood was pouring everywhere. Shoe was retrieved, and I was administered to on the train by helpful guard and passengers. Was also given a cup of coffee to help calm me down - I was on the way to a job interview!! What a way to start the day. Anyway, all the train staff and passengers were very helpful, so a BIG thank you from me.

Megan Bell

Thu 3 May 2007, 10:38

Just wanted to say that I think the blog's great, by the way. And I realise Richard must do it in his own time. Here's hoping that Cameron can help to get the service improved.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Wed 2 May 2007, 17:33

The Town Council have received a letter from David Cameron regarding the outcome of the meeting he had with FGW, and I understand that a copy of this is being sent by his assistant direct to Richard to put onto this website.

Derek Collett

Wed 2 May 2007, 15:59

While you're in an "improving the blog" mood Richard, is there any way you could tweak it so that one can log more than one journey at a time? At present, each time one makes a posting one is then dumped back out into the main part of the forum. It would be handy if there were an option to "post another journey" or something to that effect. Don't worry if it's going to be difficult - I'm just being lazy!

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Tue 1 May 2007, 20:08

Can I just say that Richard the blog is a wonderful idea. It just shows how bad FGW are and we should all keep carrying on adding the comments on all the trains. David Cameron used the information when he had the meeting with them and the Transport Minister. Dont know what the outcome was, but I shall find out!!!

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Tue 1 May 2007, 18:10

There's a couple of things I need to do to the blog so I'll add that to the list. Not until the weekend, I'm afraid, as I'm on a deadline in the real job at the moment!

Megan Bell

Tue 1 May 2007, 13:33

ok, I'm embarrassed now! Thanks!
But am I the only one not to know that? If someone's
posting on here from work, it's got to be done in a hurry!

Mike Williams

Tue 1 May 2007, 13:27

Press the "End" key while holding down the "Ctrl" key. This will take you straight to the end of the blog. Likewise, pressing the "Home" key while holding down "Ctrl" will return you to the top.

Megan Bell

Tue 1 May 2007, 13:04

Could I be a pain and request that the commuter log on the homepage is made easier for people to post into?
It's great to have it, but I'm sure some people are put off updating it as they have to scroll right down what is now a very long page (unless I'm being v stupid and am missing something). It needs to be very easy/quick to access if it's going to be well-used. Sorry to complain but I thought it should be said.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Mon 2 Apr 2007, 17:51

There is going to be a debate on First Great Western at County Hall tomorrow, so can we all carrying on logging our complaints. Our councillor has also endured the appalling service, so will be speaking from the heart! On holiday this week, hence no logging from me!

sandie o'sullivan

Wed 28 Mar 2007, 17:01

The 7.27 was twenty minutes late into Paddington this morning - something about a signal failure in the Southall area.

Igor Goldkind

Wed 28 Mar 2007, 13:25

On a topic related to train delays but not specifically FGW, has anyone else observed how poorly trained and managed the platform staff and ticket collectors are at Oxford station?

The turnstyle ticket machines only seem to work half the time on half the issued tickets obligating passengers to queue up by the doors where their tickets have to be checked manually.

Last week it took me an extra ten minutes to get through because the ticket collector had never seen a Cotswold Rail discount card and had to check with his supervisor to see if I was entitled to a legitimate discount.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Wed 28 Mar 2007, 09:40

Futher to Caroline's comments on the commuter blog, it does seem spooky that as soon as David Cameron had his meeting with FGW, the service goes up the shoot again. Yesterday, I think every train was severely late and today we have at least one cancellation so far.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 23 Mar 2007, 16:19

Looking at the timetable, yes, you're right: it's still 7.15. It'll just be spending 10 minutes sitting around at Oxford.

So it will have a chance to catch up any time it's lost between London and Oxford, which should mean it's on time at Charlbury. That said, my experience has been it's not always the Worcester train that causes the problems: it's the earlier Charlbury-Paddington trains which run late, thereby delaying the Worcester train, which in turn...

Caroline Shenton

Fri 23 Mar 2007, 15:53

Isn't the new time for the Worcester train still 0716? That's not going to make a difference ...

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Thu 22 Mar 2007, 23:53

Can I urge you all to keep logging the state of the trains - it seems to have died off a bit recently. I know the trains SEEM as if they could be getting a bit better, however David Cameron is meeting up with the Rail Minister on 26 March, and would like as much ammunition he can bring. He is using this blog, and even mentions it on his website.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Thu 22 Mar 2007, 14:44

Looks like the morning Worcester train is being moved earlier:

"0603 London Paddington to Worcester Foregate Street
This train will depart 11 minutes earlier from Paddington. This will ensure better reliability for the service to Worcester Foregate Street, avoiding previous timetable conflicts. It will now depart Paddington at 0552, calling at Slough 0606, Reading 0620, Didcot 0640 and arriving Oxford at 0653. "

Hm, wonder if that means I can do Charlbury to Burton via Worcester rather than having to endure Virgin?

Rachael Lunney

Thu 22 Mar 2007, 13:47

Just noticed that First great weston changing timetable from 26th of March because of the complaints,
Read here.

Derek Collett

Wed 21 Mar 2007, 08:59

Eight hands slammed in eight train doors perhaps?!

Ian Lewis

Wed 21 Mar 2007, 08:53

8 service delays or cancellations currently posted on the
FGW main website this morning (0850) and all 8 are 'due
to train fault'.

Derek Collett

Tue 20 Mar 2007, 11:31

A new rail absurdity last night. I was waiting on Platform 2 at Oxford for the 21.19 to Charlbury. At the time of departure, the platform was being occupied by a freight train. An announcement was made to say that the Charlbury train would now be departing from Platform 1 instead. We all trooped over the bridge and the train duly departed from Platform 1 five minutes late. I spoke to one of the other passengers and he told me that the freight train was stuck in the station because the driver had slammed his hand in the door so hard that an ambulance had had to be called! One is almost forced to admire the ever-more ingenious excuses our rail companies come up with to avoid running a punctual train service.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Wed 14 Mar 2007, 16:50

Utterley agree Derek. How often have we seen the Worcester train come in 10 minutes late, yet its displaying the 7.27am as being "on time". As you know, this is a physical impossibility! Anyway all - CARRY ON THE LOGGING !!

Derek Collett

Wed 14 Mar 2007, 13:02

Good point. Must admit I have witnessed a few trains recently that were on time but didn't record it; we should of course try to make the blog as full and fair a picture of the rail service as possible.

One thing that emerges loud and clear from the blog…

Long post - click to read full text

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Wed 14 Mar 2007, 09:36

Can I urge everyone to carry on logging the state of the trains - even when they are on time. David Cameron is using this information as ammunition to FGW. State of trains, wrong sort of train, overcrowding etc. are just as important as punctuality of the train.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Tue 6 Mar 2007, 00:02

Now that we have been logging the appalling record of FGW perhaps we should join forces with those in Oxford - see

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Mon 5 Mar 2007, 23:06

Another group of passengers have scored against FGW: see this press release.

Derek Collett

Sat 3 Mar 2007, 13:03

Agree fully with Igor and Richard. One can sympathize with FGW if trains are delayed or cancelled due to external factors outside of their control, such as suicides, animals on the line, etc., but staffing problems are their responsibility and nobody else's. And to blame a severe delay on "the train being late arriving from the depot" is really low; who owns and runs the depot? FGW!

I wasn't affected this morning but have to go to Birmingham via Worcester on the train tomorrow morning and don't reckon much to my chances of getting there and back on time and unscathed.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Sat 3 Mar 2007, 09:17

The full FGW site actually gives a reason for this morning's cancellation of the 9.20 to Paddington:

"This train will be delayed and is expected to be 45 minutes late from Hereford. This train has been revised. It will no longer call at: Pershore, Honeybourne, Kingham and Charlbury. This is due to a train late from the depot."

So to make up, ooh, at least two minutes, it is running - just not stopping at Charlbury. Wonderful. Thanks FGW.

Igor Goldkind

Sat 3 Mar 2007, 08:39

Why doesn't FGW put on alternative buses on the services that are canceled due to badly managed staff schedules?

Surely part of their contract for profiting off a transport service is an obligation to provide the actual transportation.

OK, accidents and unforeseen obstacles are one thing but cancellations due to staffing problems is surely the responsibility of the company. Why are we (the customers) made to pay for their inability to manage their staff schedules?

Ian Lewis

Fri 2 Mar 2007, 17:59

Friday evening, still 10 service alterations on FGW website, 5 cancellations due to train faults, 2 due to staff shortages, one shortened journey and two reinstatements of earlier cancellations.

Also on the FGW website is a note that tomorrow (Saturdays) timetable is expected to be significantly altered.

Ian Lewis

Fri 2 Mar 2007, 13:56

THis morning FGW were advising of 8 service alterations on their main website, 5 were due to train failures, one to staff shortage and one due to a delay on an earlier journey, last one not attributed. Looks like there is a real shortfall of trains due to maintenace issues. The 0920 while it did eventually run started from Evesham instead of Worcester.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Fri 2 Mar 2007, 13:55

Dave - put it on the blog so we can keep a record of the trains. David Cameron is using this information, along with all the other emails, letters he gets, for ammunition when he meets Alison Foster.

Can I urge everyone to please log - it is giving a catalogue of disaster at the moment.

Also can I reiterate Caroline's suggestion that everyone also add their name to the Number 10 e-petition which can be found at

dave wells

Fri 2 Mar 2007, 13:42

0620 Charlbury to London late - "problem with the train at Didcot on the run up from London" ? so left approx 0640. To Paddington 0815ish. Believe the 0645 was cancelled

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Sun 18 Feb 2007, 11:47

A grid of the times would be great - just like the real timetable, i.e. stations row-by-row, then each train in a column.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Fri 16 Feb 2007, 23:25

Richard, will happily key all the info on the trains for you. Let me know what format you want the columns etc to be etc.

John Dora

Fri 16 Feb 2007, 19:10

06.45 has reverted to a Turbo - it was a more comfortable Adelante from the December timetable change until Oxford commuters managed to get FGW to revise the timetable. Air-con on Turbos' has never worked meaning we get a sauna bath winter and summer...!Turbo seating is soooo cramped...

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 16 Feb 2007, 17:25

Certainly possible. It'd need a full spreadsheet of all the times to do the full list, though, and keying in the times wouldn't really work (the site wouldn't know to associate the 7.27 at Charlbury with the 7.17 at Kingham, say, and without that we couldn't do the analysis of which trains were late). If you've got the time to key in the times, into an Excel spreadsheet perhaps, that'd be excellent!

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Fri 16 Feb 2007, 15:11

Just a suggestion - for those coming from different stations along the line, wouldnt it be better either for them to key the train time and place from in, or have a list of them all! We do want other passengers along the line to use this.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Fri 16 Feb 2007, 14:40

Great Richard - just what we need. Cant seem to add anything for the 14th! Its this because it was Valentine's Day? Come on, lets all put our gripes up there now

Derek Collett

Fri 16 Feb 2007, 13:14

Great stuff Richard - my gripes are already up!

Caroline Shenton

Fri 16 Feb 2007, 12:27

Fantastic effort with the online blog, Richard! Let's all now use it!

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Fri 16 Feb 2007, 12:26

I've introduced a Commuter Blog feature where you can post your FGW experiences.

As well as a place to post comments and vent your spleen, it lets you record which train you took, and how many minutes' delay you suffered. This means we'll ultimately be able to post an analysis - e.g. the 06.45 was on average 15 minutes late, or whatever.

Click here for the blog.

I suspect a petition is probably better coming from all Cotswold Line travellers, not just us in Charlbury, so haven't created one on the site. However, if anyone would like to do so, you can use Petition Online or (as Russell suggested) the Number 10 site. Note that the latter has to be addressed to the PM, so you'd need slightly verbose wording like "Ask the Prime Minister to direct the Department for Transport to require more punctual services from First Great Western on the Cotswold Line". We could then link to any such petition from the Charlbury site.

Let me know of any teething problems or suggested improvements for the blog!

russell robson

Fri 16 Feb 2007, 11:26

Your could create an e-petition on the No10 website.

Caroline Shenton

Fri 16 Feb 2007, 09:55

I have been musing for sometime about a name - how about Charlbury Rail Action Petition (CRAP)....

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Fri 16 Feb 2007, 08:53

I agree with you Igor! For once its something where everyone seems in agreement. So Richard, if you can do something would be really great. One of the travellers on the train has offered to design a simple flyer which we can then distribute over a week on the train, so make everyone aware. It doesnt only affect the Cotswold Line. I was talking to someone who gets the train from Oxford, and it really impacts on their working day too!

Igor Goldkind

Fri 16 Feb 2007, 08:18

Having read all the suggestions, I can only reiterate that FGW will not take any real action until it feels compelled to either by threat of loss of revenue or threat of loss of public face.

Placation whether by voucher or transitory reassurances that something vaguely will be done in…

Long post - click to read full text

john h

Thu 15 Feb 2007, 23:03

We are about to book tickets for the Chelsea Flower Show, guess We will be using the coach, this should get us to London before the flowers have gone to seed!!!

Derek Collett

Thu 15 Feb 2007, 23:00

I was on the 19.22 from Paddington this evening and Boris Johnson was in the same carriage as me. I asked him for his views on the current state of the Cotswold Line and this is what he said:

"My dear chap! Couldn't agree more! Bloody deplorable state of affairs... that Blair chappie's to blame I'll wager... thoroughly bad egg... something ought to be done about it... bang some heads together... questions in the House... I'll have a word with that Cameron fellow... jolly decent sort of cove... might be leader of the Tory party one day if he plays his cards right... I'm sorry old boy, what was the question again?"

Not really of course! He was in the same carriage as me but as I was hemmed in my seat by a solid row of standing passengers I couldn't have got up to harangue him had I wanted to.

Went to catch the 09.20 to Paddington this morning and as I was walking down Dyers Hill at about 09.15 the 08.31 pulled out! Needless to say the 09.20 arrived twenty minutes late and I got to London half an hour late. Same old same old...

I'm all in favour of diary-keeping/coordinated action by the way. I tend to travel out of the rush hour so can keep tabs on those services.

Megan Bell

Thu 15 Feb 2007, 17:06

anything this forum could do is bound to help. Can't believe even just commuting to Oxford has proven so unreliable, quite ridiculous! Can sympathise though having battled into London area over the past few months, I'm now about to give up job, partly due to regular trips from hell courtesy of FGW. Such a shame though as it CAN work so well (but only on occasion)and it's so much more civilised than travelling by car.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Thu 15 Feb 2007, 14:59

Oh and by the way - the 7.48am train to Oxford was cancelled today - surprise, surprise!

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Thu 15 Feb 2007, 14:54

How about something that all passengers could log the actual departure and arrival trains for that day - and then send something off once a week to FGW on behalf of the Charlbury Train Action Group, or some such name. Obviously the more people who have been affected by delays would be noted. We could also email all community websites along the line with a link so they could add to it to. Is this feasible? And perhaps someone could design a flyer we could all have and give out on the trains and platform to encourage people to partake. A comments box would be good. I can sympathise with Katie; I had a temporary job in London for just four days - so I bought a season ticket. First day I was half an hour late - second day didnt get there until 11am - the employer just turned round and said they didnt want me - which I dont really blame them for. So then I had all the hassle of trying to get some money back from FGW - not as easy as you would think! I finally did get some train vouchers - but hey, wouldnt have needed to if the train had been on time. Anything you can do Richard would be great.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Thu 15 Feb 2007, 14:37

If there's anything we can do on the site - whether a petition, or an automated send-email-to-FGW service, or whatever - do say. I'd be delighted to do something.

Katie Ewer

Thu 15 Feb 2007, 13:23

I'd be all for some action on this. When I first got a post at the JR in 1999 and realised how hellish the traffic was on that route, I made a decision to sell my car and use the train to get to Oxford, then either cycle or bus up to Headington. I lasted 3 months after a warning from my employer about timekeeping. I just couldn't get to work on time! Combine that with not being able to take your bike on the train and the whole concept of using public transport to get to work becomes unfeasible. Yet here we are being faced with road charging in the absence of any viable alternative. I would DEARLY love to use public transport, not just to be green but to get some exercise by cycling too, but it's so unreliable!

Igor Goldkind

Thu 15 Feb 2007, 12:00

The point of an orchestrated boycott is to signal GW that the commuters are united enough to speak in one voice and if necessary, take action as one.

It would necessarily involve commuters from all the towns and villages on the lines who are equally fed up. To date, the company only deals with individual complaints which are much easier to ignore and/or placate. (Personally I have never received a refund or an apology for a late or cancelled service from over a dozen written complaints I've made over the years).

Perhaps an MP like David Cameron stepping in on commuters behalf would make an immediate difference (as it did when Charlbury was stuck in broadband limbo; in which case an online petition and a commuter blog would be a good first step to informing him of the complaints of the many.

The larger number of people agreeing to the same complaint, the harder it is for GW to ignore the complaint as a minority opinion.

Igor Goldkind

Thu 15 Feb 2007, 11:50

But how is Mauro Brunetti certain that he exists to complain about the bad train service in the first instance?
Does his despair inform him of his existence and if so, if he wins the suit will he then cease to exist?

Birgit den Outer

Thu 15 Feb 2007, 11:02

Or you could all sue for existential damages like the despairing Italian in this article:

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Thu 15 Feb 2007, 00:06

OK I agree that perhaps its probably not practical to not pay (especially if you have a season) but if we all got our diaries out, and wrote down every single MINUTE a train was later than the timetable time, and every week we wrote in or emailed, with a copy to David Cameron, and perhaps Boris Johnson, then perhaps something will start to happen. I have started minuting the lateness this week - lets all do the same. Vouchers, although nice, do not make up for missed appointments, continually getting to work late, going for the train before "just in case" etc etc. Maybe we have to make 2007 the year of the train - and getting it right at last.

Caroline Shenton

Wed 14 Feb 2007, 20:13

Thanks Derek! I think FGW was not hauled before a select committee, but it was the subject of a lengthy debate in the Commons last month led by Ed Vaisey the MP for Didcot, which managed to bring together MPs all along the Thames Valley and Cotswold Line. I think it was this that resulted in the apology to customers from FGW and the timetable tweak.


Derek Collett

Wed 14 Feb 2007, 18:42

You make a lot of sense Caroline. I wrote to complain about a recent cancellation of the 10.14 from Charlbury on a Sunday morning which caused me considerable annoyance and inconvenience and was told that I would receive a refund in due course. I haven't seen the money yet though...

Susie's idea of a massed boycott of FGW's services is an appealing one but would it really work? I never use trains in the morning rush hour but I would assume that most people who do are commuters with season tickets which they (or their companies) have already paid for in advance. Therefore, if such passengers go on strike will it really affect FGW? No, because they have already got your money which is earning interest in the bank which they can then gleefully fritter away on worthless fripperies such as painting more carriages a sickly shade of purple. The only people who will be affected by a Charlbury boycott will be passengers joining the train at Reading, who will be able to get a seat for once in their lives!

Surely the best way to put pressure on FGW to reduce overcrowding and improve punctuality and reliability is to bend the ears of Cameron and other local MPs? Witness the Didcot Parkway situation - Caroline will know better than me but wasn't the reinstitution of trains stopping at DP the direct result of FGW being hauled before a Parliamentary Select Committee to explain themselves? Democracy does work (sometimes).

Caroline Shenton

Wed 14 Feb 2007, 15:50

I have asked FGW for statistics for the Cotswold line in terms of performance (their average if 87% puncutality, but our line is obvously much worse), and whether the 7.27 is the most cancelled train on the entire FGW network, but I got told these statistics were not available. I can't imagine why.

I think commuters can do the following:

1) Whenever there is a delay, cancellation or other unacceptable service (eg reducing carriages so that we have to stand sweating to Oxford, Reading or London) email or phone FGW's customer service line EVERY SINGLE TIME IT HAPPENS asking for the reason why. If all Charlbury commuters did this then the FGW inbox would be jammed with thousands of emails each week.

2) Ask for compensation above the season ticket joke reduction of 5% off each year. I recently sent them details of a week of travelling with them when every single journey was cancelled, very late or overcrowded, and I got an offer of some vouchers back again. Not much use to me with a season, but someone will find them handy - give them to friends and family visiting...

3) Consider starting a blog of the travelling week just to show FGW how awful the service is.

4) Campaign for the double track to be reinstated

Ultimately, however, even if commuters boycott the line on one or two days, train companies have us over a barrel - they know we have to return to work one day, when the money or our leave runs out.

PS I loved the Matt 'railway in the snow' cartoon in the Telegraph last week - looked just like Charlbury station, in so many ways...

J Norris

Wed 14 Feb 2007, 10:09

If we boycott the train they will simply use it as an excuse to downgrade the service. I am sure that the Cotswold Line is just an annoyance to FGW and they would prefer to concentrate on the high speed lines out of Paddington!

Igor Goldkind

Wed 14 Feb 2007, 09:00

3 Years ago, I suggested in this forum that Great Western rail users should follow the example of the New York train commuters in the mid 1970's who targeted boycott days of their Conneticut - Manhatten line. This involved thousands of coordinated commuters prearanging days off work in which they refused to use the service until it was improved. The train company was informed in advance of these boycott days and the public was asked to join in through newspaper advertising.

This was conducted on one and two days a month over a period of 6 months

Needless to say, after measuring revenue loss on the boycott days the train company met with the commuter organisation and agreed a set of verifiable improvement benchmarks which the commuters had input on.

That train line is one of the most reliable in the state of New York today.

And that's down to organised commuters demonstrating their consumer power.

I'd be happy to organise webspace as a contribution to any similar attempt. Great Western continues to and will continue to treat it's customers with derision because it can afford to.

It will change when it no longer can afford to.

graham W

Tue 13 Feb 2007, 17:12

You can see why people use thier cars!, I arrive and get home when I want to. All in comfort, cd, aircon (that works)... etc etc.

Oxford Environment Centre

Tue 13 Feb 2007, 16:42

Unless a stand is made how can the country get a good public transport system, why is everybody putting up with third rate service. I agree down tools

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Tue 13 Feb 2007, 09:33

Yet again the 7.27am was cancelled this morning - that makes it three times in a week and the 6.45am was cancelled yesterday. Dont you think we should all make a stand (like the passengers did in Bristol) and not pay - or write en masse to the MD. I met Jack Straw last Monday, who acknowledged that this was the worst line in Britain - come on - we cant just sit and take it - Charlbury residents are known to be verbose - let's put these words into action! Since the timetable has been changed the trains are almost NEVER on time. Its a farce - and we pay for it!

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