Recycling plastic plant pots

Peter Evans

Thu 8 Dec 2016, 17:57

Hannen, I would, however, remove any hard drive which might have data which could be used by fraudsters

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 8 Dec 2016, 13:31

And if it is too big to fit in the slot, you can break it open, put the circuitry etc in the skip, because that is the recyclable bit, and put the metal casing in your wheely bin.

Steven Fairhurst Jones

Thu 8 Dec 2016, 12:43

Hannen, there's a waste electrical products bin in the Spendlove car park, which might be the best place for your old PC.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 8 Dec 2016, 10:34

WODC website is very clear:

Plant pots
Small plant pots (10cm diameter or less) can go in the black recycling box
Larger plant pots can be recycled at a County waste/recycling centre

Hannen Beith

Wed 7 Dec 2016, 18:56

Not quite "on message" here but I have a defunct all-in-one PC in my car boot. To take it to the nearest re-cycle place is a waste of time and petrol. Do you think I could shove it in the wheelie bin?!

Judith Haynes

Mon 5 Dec 2016, 14:43

It says on the West Oxon website that small plastic pots can go in the black boxes

vicky burton

Fri 2 Dec 2016, 10:56

If anyone has any spare small pots I'll gratefully collect them from you.


Fri 2 Dec 2016, 06:04

I try to recycle as much I can. The pots that cannot be recycled are used as decor in the garden as well as in the living room. Old mattresses and furniture's could also be reused.Here is a blog that I found online that mentions some tips on how to reuse your old mattress and make it last for a long time ( ) .

Suzy M-H

Sat 2 Apr 2016, 23:26

I found out that Oxford City Council take pots for recycling, although only "good quality" plastic ones can be recycled, the rest go to landfill. However our own West Oxfordshire doesn't accept them for recycling at all even though, apparently, people are always asking about it. Applegarth nursery in Chipping Norton use biodegradable cornstarch pots; why aren't these more widely used? I see that some garden centres also use natural "hairy" pots.

chris emsden

Sat 2 Apr 2016, 19:54

I try to recycle as much as possible, but as with these plant pots, it amazes me the amount of various types of packaging that still carry no recycling info on it at all!

Suzy M-H

Sat 2 Apr 2016, 16:36

Thanks very much for taking the pots, Hugh.

Hugh Belshaw

Fri 1 Apr 2016, 16:46

I am always looking for pots to reuse for plants for charity sales. If you give me a call on 810130 I will come and collect.


Suzy M-H

Fri 25 Mar 2016, 22:09

Can't find any info on the West Oxon website or anywhere else about where plastic plant pots can be recycled. Anyone know where I can take around 50 to be reused or recycled please?

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