Have Your Say forms

russell robson

Sun 13 Mar 2016, 21:56

Given that everybody in Charlbury has an opinion on everything an extensive and inclusive form is essential.

I'm sure, averaged out over the number of years since the last survey (20 years) it's not too onerous a task.

Though my views are not relevant.

lucy Crane-Lupton

Sun 13 Mar 2016, 21:40

You should have seen the early drafts! Charlbury Neighbourhood Forum spent a lot of time soliciting and filtering potential questions suggested by local community groups, the Town Council and external agencies such as Community First Oxfordshire. A great number of questions had to be included to ensure we are in a position to create a robust Neighbourhood Plan/Community-Led Action Plan. The last time a town survey was done, in 1997, there were nearly as many questions.

It is not necessary to answer all the questions and if you fill it out online you can save it and come back to it as many times as you wish.

Lucy Crane on behalf of the Charlbury Neighbourhood Forum

Alex Flynn

Sun 13 Mar 2016, 15:16

One survey is enough, but two is enough to send anyone to sleep!

Who wrote out the questions for these surveys?

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