Change of ownership of the Pharmacy and the Street Fair 10k

Deborah Longshaw

Thu 8 Feb 2007, 14:03

I would also like to add my thanks to Dean for all the help and advice he has given me over the years. You will be sorely missed by many of the young mums, who like myself went to you for a quick bit of advice, rather than having to run the gauntlet of waiting for ages with young children in the Doctors surgery. You never made me feel as if I was wasting your time or being a complete idiot in asking. Your quick ascerbic wit and repartee will also be sorely missed by many who come to pick up their perscriptions. I wish you lots of luck with whatever you are choosing to do in the future.

Susie Finch
(site admin)

Thu 1 Feb 2007, 20:05

Dean - I was shocked when I heard the news, but can quite understand why you have done it. On a personal note, I would just like to say a hugh thank you for all you have done for me (sounds good!) over the past 18 years - you are one in a million. I do hope that you will go on to organise the Fun Run/10K Run for Street Fair, however if not perhaps you can suggest someone else I could badger! Neil sounds like a good bet! Best of luck honey. Susie xx

Mark Wilson

Thu 1 Feb 2007, 17:41

Sorry to see you go Dean, hope all goes well in the future and very glad that the Coop is keeping the old shop going - we can't afford to lose any more shops from the town centre!

Deleted user

Wed 31 Jan 2007, 15:24

Thanks for the best wishes Neil; As regards the street fair 10k/fun run/walk, I have enjoyed organising it for the last 18 years and, as you quite rightly mention, it has been inextricably linked in to the pharmacy in the sense that the business has been the chief sponsor and contact point. Having now sold on the pharmacy I am a little unsure of my longer term plans so cannot commit myself to organising the run for a 19th time. With the event having such a loyal and long following, and well supported by locals, I'm sure there's someone else out there who would be happy to take on the organisational role. Fresh running blood (ooh that sounds nasty!) could really invigorate the event and bring it to new heights.

Neil MacAlpine

Wed 31 Jan 2007, 09:27

There is an upside and a downside to Dean's vacating the Pharmacy, but as long as he has made the right decision for him then that is great.
A follow on from this is that the Street Fair 10k has always been run by Dean, through the shop, and is inextricably tied up with that.
I wonder if Dean now wants to let his involvement with the race drop, indeed let the race stop altogether?
I only ask it like this 'cos I am sure quite a few locals would like to know and, as Membership Secretary for the past few years "Runners World" are asking!
Otherwise, best of luck and bonne chance Deano.

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