More aid going to Lesvos and Calais

Lucy Mitchell

Wed 20 Jan 2016, 09:48

Hi Jon, will there be any more aid going out? I've got things to donate but only just saw this, thank you.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Fri 15 Jan 2016, 09:32 (last edited on Fri 15 Jan 2016, 09:34)

Just received this message from a volunteer on Lesvos this morning:

Please try to get as many men's shoes as humanly possible and men's jeans/trousers/trek suit bottoms into the Lesvos bound container, that's where there is a serious shortage, we gave out plastic bags to use as socks today and to keep their feet dry, in the absence of dry replacement shoes!

Yes, more men than woman arrive, but the men also carry the kids and women off the boats, that's the main reason for the disproportionally high difference in need!

Phone 811378 and we will arrange for you to deliver before 10 on Saturday (tomorrow) morning.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Wed 13 Jan 2016, 18:29

Michele - thanks for this. The 'problem' with children's clothes seems to be that there is so much of it. At least in terms of what refugees need. 25% of refugees arriving in Europe are children, but the percentage of donated children's clothing seems to be greater than this.

One solution would be to hold a jumble/clothing sale and turn it all into money that can be donated to a relief agency, but CRAG doesn't have plans for one at the moment. Would you or anyone else reading this like to organise one!?

michele marietta

Wed 13 Jan 2016, 14:36

John do you know where we can donate kids' clothes? We have a few bits for adults, but lots of kids' stuff? thanks!


Wed 13 Jan 2016, 13:30

Im sorry but rather than helping people aboard how about helping people in this country what about all the poor people that lost there homes and everything in cumbria and all around that area thay have lost everything they have worked for.And then today i hear that the homeless shelter in oxford is closing down what about helping these people they need the same help and before anyone says yes i have helped with donations to the homeless of warm clothing

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Wed 13 Jan 2016, 12:53 (last edited on Wed 13 Jan 2016, 19:23)

Charlbury people have contributed a lot of warm clothing, tinned food, sleeping bags etc to the refugee cause. Thank you very much indeed, on behalf of the many people you are helping. We have also raised a lot of money, and in a few days we will give you a

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