Accidents will happen

Wesley Smith

Wed 13 Jan 2016, 15:55

Marion and I used the room on that Monday afternoon and the fire was on. Marion informed me that the dial for the fire was broken. I then called the numbers on the list just outside the room. The only person I could get through to was Ron. Ron atended and looked at the fire. We found the missing pieces of the dial and Ron managed to repair it enough just so we could turn off the fire. I then left a message on the machine for Ian Parsons to inform him of the damage.

Stephen Andrews

Fri 8 Jan 2016, 17:09 (last edited on Fri 8 Jan 2016, 17:52)

Thanks for that info Tony. If that was the case then it is even more serious that the failure was not reported immediately as the room would have been left unoccupied with the fire on - the last known booking would have been Saturday afternoon.

Tony H Merry

Fri 8 Jan 2016, 16:54

Steve I think the situation was that the Police found the fire left on when they came into the room on Monday and need to shut it off - hence the sellotape and they did report it.

Stephen Andrews

Fri 8 Jan 2016, 16:31

The office phone 810879 is checked every day and/or a note can be left in the green postbox in the Corner House lobby.

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Fri 8 Jan 2016, 16:21

Pity there isn't an email address given for the Corner House and the hall. The office phone isn't checked every day, is it? And no, it wasn't me! :)

Stephen Andrews

Fri 8 Jan 2016, 16:07 (last edited on Fri 8 Jan 2016, 16:29)

A message to the person who attempted to fix the Corner House gas fire knob with sellotape and an elastic band - thanks for your valiant efforts but please tell us as soon as it is broken - we can then get it fixed promptly. As it was it was not discovered for several days which meant that a couple of bookings had a cold room. Same goes for broken chairs in the Hall, failed light bulbs etc

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