New community centre

Jean Adams

Fri 8 Jan 2016, 13:44

Apologies to the Librarians.i had not followed the previous dialogue regarding the Library. I was only anxious to keep the Corner House in use.

Tony H Merry

Thu 7 Jan 2016, 16:16

I agree Amanda
In fact leaving the library in the Corner House is not an option for the library service
If it does not move to the new community centre they would close it down
However there will still be many things taking place at the Corner House

Amanda Epps

Thu 7 Jan 2016, 15:57

Jean, I disagree completely with you about the Library remaining in the Corner House. The space it occupies and the Corner House itself do not have disabled access. The Library was located there in the days when the population was a third of its present size and is far too small for a Town of this size. The Friends of the Library have been campaigning for a Libary which is appropriate for this Town since its formation in 1997.
When there are a number of people present many of the shelves are inaccessible. We need a new, modern Library for present and future inhabitants.

Stephen Andrews

Wed 6 Jan 2016, 09:28 (last edited on Wed 6 Jan 2016, 09:33)

Just to clarify Tony's posting - the Corner House properly considered a request from the Sports and Social Club for temporary accommodation whilst they were out of their existing space, at our March 2015 meeting. We thought that the only 'spare' room that might be an option would be the Larcum Kendall room, but for various reasons both the Club and we concluded that it would not be suitable. As Forum watchers will be aware, the room is now being considered for use as a community hot-desk hub. Clearly the Memorial Hall garden room bar area is available to hire for clubs and societies to use on a regular basis, and although it would not be for exclusive use, there are regular evening slots available

Tony H Merry

Wed 6 Jan 2016, 08:36

I would like to add the following information to what I posted previously
The Sports and Social Club need exclusive use of any space that they are in(including provision of Sky TV slot machines, pool table, beer coolers etc) The Memorial Hall was not able to provide this as it is used by many other people. They were offered the Larcum Kendal room in the Corner House but did not want to take that up.

Jean Adams

Tue 5 Jan 2016, 17:37

Rachael has expressed clearly the downside to moving anything from the Corner House. The Library sits well in that environment and visitors also use the Post Office and other shops while they are in the town centre.
Keep the Corner House and it's attractions and uses as they are.

Tony H Merry

Tue 5 Jan 2016, 11:15

Thanks for that Richard it does make sense to split the two
To answer Heather again
It should be realised that each place has certain place and a role. The New community Centre as also stated by Marjory Glasgow on the other post is primarily for Sports facilities and the new Library. The Memorial Hall is used for a large number of different purposes including CADS and many other events and the Corner House is ideal for smaller meetings as I said before. Therefore there is no duplication and they all have a place.
The Memorial Hall was approached by the Sports and Social Club but given the number of other events which regularly take place there it was considered by the committee that it would not be available to them

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Mon 4 Jan 2016, 13:45

(This is a new thread created by splitting the Sports & Social Club thread.)

Mary Heckman

Mon 4 Jan 2016, 12:45

Since the "community" center is not yet built and running, surely all this discussion is academic.

Rachael Lunney

Mon 4 Jan 2016, 12:19

If you move coffee mornings from the corner house, the shops in town would suffer alot as people go to coffee morning and then to post office etc, also there not going to be enough space for a lot of committee meeting in community centre.

Heather Williams

Mon 4 Jan 2016, 12:11

Wouldn't it be better for everyone, ie. Clubs, Library, Sports Centre, Town Council Meetings, Coffee Mornings etc., to all "share" one facility, more cost effective, ( heating lighting etc., ) then all donations and possible future grants raised could be shared for everyone and then Charlbury would have a thriving "Community" Centre (the clue is in the name) and for larger events the Memorial Hall can be used. I do not see how all the different venues can survive.

Tony H Merry

Sun 3 Jan 2016, 18:09

Just to clarify
There is a lot more going on in the Corner House than the library
It is used for several groups to hold meetings not least for the Town Council Meetings
There are also several other users for a variety of purposes for which the new Community Centre will not be used for
We are also looking to new uses on the future and townspeople will be able to have their say on this
Also there is no direct connection between the finding of the two places
The Community Centre will be funded by the Thomas Gifford Trust donations and grants
The Corner House and War Memorial Hall belong to the Town and are run by a separate charity
The Sports and Social Club are now raising money so that a replacement facility can be provided in the future at the Community Centre

Heather Williams

Sun 3 Jan 2016, 12:27

What will happen to The Corner House, once the library is established in the Community Centre surely the Corner House will not be needed? As all the other functions which are held there could be held in the new Community Centre, and what role will the Memorial Hall play with all the changes?

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