fly tipping in spend love car park!

Simon Towers

Wed 30 Dec 2015, 16:40

To clarify- recyclable waste should be placed in the correct bin, the only reason the contractors would co-mingle the recycling is at busy times, such as now when the volume at bring sites are very high. When Co-mingled the recycling is sorted at the recycling centre in Witney. By contaminating the bins with differing items it makes more work for the staff.If you have any issues regarding the bring site and if items have been dumped ring WODC on 01993 861000

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Wed 30 Dec 2015, 10:14

Am I not right in thinking that any recyclable waste can go in any bin? I've watched them upend all the skips into the same lorry. On this basis, if the cardboard skip is full, we can put our cardboard in with paper or bottles or tins, if they have room. The contractors could leave the lids unlocked to make this easier, though I think a pair of pliers will do the job without damage and they are often unlocked anyway.

I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong! :)

Liz Leffman

Wed 30 Dec 2015, 08:54

I'm glad it has finally been sorted. Unfortunately a combination of Christmas holidays and lots of extra packaging made for a mass of cardboard. The officers acknowledge that we have a problem with the contractor not emptying the bins frequently enough. I will keep an eye on this and will contact the officers again if the situation doesn't improve.

Steven Fairhurst Jones

Mon 28 Dec 2015, 21:09

It was pretty clear just now when I went to drop off some cardboard and paper. No waste outside the bins anyway. Well done to whoever collected the excess today.

john h

Mon 28 Dec 2015, 15:17

Even worse today,

Alex Flynn

Sun 27 Dec 2015, 04:51

I think we need to be careful here - whilst plenty of well-healed residents could afford to subsididise a waste facility - there are plenty who won't. The only way it would work is if it were paid for with council Tax payers' money. Otherwise we run the risk of being 2 steps forward and 3 steps back!

graham W

Sat 26 Dec 2015, 12:26

Just been down there this morning to recycle my empty (Fruit juice!!)bottles etc. and have never seen so much empty flat packed boxes where people have dropped them on the floor. In this weather with all the wind it won't be long before it's all strewn over the carpark and surrounding area - Basically an absolute mess!

Tony H Merry

Mon 21 Dec 2015, 21:59

No doubt Liz can confirm that a new recyling centre is indeed being discussed now. The main question is how this would be funded and would people support it as a community venture?

Wendy Bailey

Mon 21 Dec 2015, 11:20

Perhaps easiest of all solutions would be opening a recycling centre again or even re-opening the DEAN TIP. No more fly tipping or rubbish left around.

Liz Leffman

Mon 21 Dec 2015, 09:32

I have been in contact with WODC to ask them to clear the site yet again. We may have to see if we can get a CCTV camera installed as on other bring sites.

Stephen Andrews

Mon 21 Dec 2015, 09:02 (last edited on Mon 21 Dec 2015, 09:03)

There are sizable off-cuts from a new carpet fitting there this morning. Assuming this is someone that has had this done in Charlbury, it should be easy to trace, so I suggest they or their carpet fitter quickly retrieves them and dispose of them properly.

Heather Williams

Mon 21 Dec 2015, 07:46

I think collections need to increase.

John Werner

Mon 21 Dec 2015, 00:01

Agreed! The common sense and maybe some more 'education' is needed there!


Sun 20 Dec 2015, 22:19 (last edited on Sun 20 Dec 2015, 22:28)

Over the past few months I have noticed more and more rubbish being dumped next to the clothing bank. Some of it is clothes but an awful lot is not, it's just household waste! The pink electrical bin now also seems to be surrounded by dumped rubbish and clothes.
It's such a mess and such a shame that people are not bothering to put the clothes in the clothing banks provided and fly tipping the other rubbish. It just makes Charlbury look so untidy and unloved!

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