Woodchipper to borrow and toolsharing

Simon Himmens-Warrick

Fri 18 Dec 2015, 22:10

Thanks Tony. I'll send you an email over the weekend. Totally accept your disclaimer and just the sort of thing needed. I hereby also promise to return it as borrowed or replace it with a new one if I break it. Simon

Tony H Merry

Fri 18 Dec 2015, 20:01

I do have a domestic model which you are quite welcome to borrow just email me
It does seem reasonable to get some kind of disclaimer like this though as they are potentially finger chippers as well !
I hereby release from liability and agree to indemnify and hold
Tony Merry for any liability in connection
With the use or possession of the equipment. This release is for any
And all liability for personal injuries (including death) and property
Losses or damage occasioned by, or in connection with the possession
Or use of the equipment

Helen Holwill

Fri 18 Dec 2015, 08:22

I think it's a great idea. There is risk, and benefit, attached to most things in life. I'll forward my details, Simon. Sorry, no woodchipper, however.

Simon Himmens-Warrick

Thu 17 Dec 2015, 22:37

I have say I am rather disheartened by some of the responses to thread. Previously several people expressed an interest in doing this. I'm feeling altruistic and intend to press on. Many of us have tools and equipment lying idle. I've lent my stuff regularly to folks and have always had it back as it was lent. Likewise I've borrowed from others in the same vein.

My proposed method is to connect need with those who can help. It's up to the lender how they deal with the loan. You start with I'm happy just to maintain a list and connect people with each other within Charlbury.

I'll put a list of available tools and equipment online in due course. Watch this space :)

john h

Wed 16 Dec 2015, 19:57

As my old Granny used to say. "Never a borrower or lender be" . I too have lost tools after they have been lent,never to be seen again!

Heather Williams

Wed 16 Dec 2015, 19:08

It goes into the same category as lending books, I think I may have leant the "easel" person a book, and I never got that back either despite, returning things that belonged to them. If Simon wants to start a "lending" service, I think it is a good idea as long as a deposit is collected and returned once the item is returned.

Richard Fairhurst
(site admin)

Wed 16 Dec 2015, 17:48

Malcolm, as I explained to you, I am not prepared to unilaterally ban people from the site after one uncorroborated report. People do sometimes complain about others' posts and I have to take a view based on any other reports I might have received, rather than simply taking one report on trust and instantly banning anyone who might be the subject of such a complaint. Be careful what you wish for - after all, people might have complained about you in the past!

The site does not and cannot take responsibility for pre-screening adverts, just as the Oxford Mail, News & Things' window, etc. etc. do not. If I am made aware of repeated misbehaviour then yes, I will see what can be done. But caveat emptor is very much the case.

Simon, I think that's a great idea.

Malcolm Biranek

Wed 16 Dec 2015, 17:11 (last edited on Wed 16 Dec 2015, 17:31)

Well Simon if you are collecting a list of tools which people have that they would be willing to share/lend then I suggest you also need to keep a register of people who do not return items they have borrowed.
I lent an easel to someone who advertised on this site last April and i'm still waiting for it to be returned!!! I have contacted them via, email, phone, at their house and even when I have seen them in the street but have obfuscated its return with every excuse imaginable. I even had to hire something costing a lot of hassle and cost due to its non return, leaving me out of pocket to almost £50.
If you plan to start something like this and contact/requirements will be communicated via this forum/adverts, then I would suggest this site must hold some responsibility and apply sanction to those who fail to return items. In my situation I contacted the site owner has refused to apply any sanction even though the offender has regularly posted on this site in the intervening 8 months since the item was borrowed. The offender is still free to post and has not been banned, so someone could find themselves in my situation. Is this fair or acceptable behavior?

Naomi Berger

Wed 16 Dec 2015, 10:14

Woodchippers are hired out by Cotswold tool hire in Chipping Norton. If they don't have one available try Eynsham hire services.

Simon Himmens-Warrick

Wed 16 Dec 2015, 09:39

Does anyone have a woodchipper I could borrow for a few hours, or know where maybe I could hire one?

This has reminded me that I was collecting a list of tools which people have that they would be willing to share/lend out for a small fee... so if anyone is interested in that idea still please get back in touch. I've had to deal with the death and severe illness of elderly parents over the last few months and just have not done half the things I intended to do.

All the best and Happy Christmas


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