Radon Gas

Deleted user

Tue 31 Jul 2007, 17:34

Extensions to houses in Charlbury normally require `full radon gas protection` . Further information can be obtained from DETR Free Literature tel 0870 1226236.

Charles Vaughn

Thu 4 Jan 2007, 13:37

Many thanks for your posts, I think I may ask for a Radon Bond which is pretty common in Cornwall, then do the NRPB Test which takes 3 months.

Derek Collett

Thu 4 Jan 2007, 10:56

I had my house in Tanners Court tested when I moved here in 2004 and the result was 33 Bq/m3. The "Action Level", i.e. that above which action should be taken to reduce the radon level, is 200 Bq/m3.

To answer John's earlier point, my surveyor did draw attention to the fact that Charlbury is situated in an area in which more than 1% of the dwellings may have estimated levels of radon entering property that are sufficiently high for remedial action to be required. This alarmed me at first but it seems that there is in fact very little risk in Charlbury itself (or at least in my house!). I believe that levels of radon are higher in the Banbury area.

Gareth Epps

Thu 4 Jan 2007, 10:54

John - I was a town and district cllr, now exiled in Reading and working in London for Crossrail.

Mark Wilson

Wed 3 Jan 2007, 15:10

We have had 2 houses tested for radon in Charlbury with negative results

John Munro

Tue 2 Jan 2007, 18:31

Charles, as you will have probably seen from the hpa website maps, radon occurs naturally in quite a number of localities around the country, not just Devon/Cornwall or even Oxfordshire, but also as far as The Highlands and Grampian regions of Scotland

John Munro

Tue 2 Jan 2007, 18:28

Why does the surname Epps ring a bell with me - what line of work/profession are you in?

Gareth Epps

Tue 2 Jan 2007, 16:03

There was a study on this when I was on the District Council. The area of WODC affected was north of Enstone around Tew.

I don't see how anywhere can be blighted with radon as it's a naturally-occurring gas.

Charles Vaughn

Tue 2 Jan 2007, 10:40


Stonesfield is also a problem, I am currently halfway into the process of buying a house there, its a bit of a worry although you can buy a pump for £1000 which will expel the gas. I have read the hpa website thanks. I always thought this was a problem for Cornwall and Derbyshire and not North/West Oxfordshire.

John Munro

Tue 2 Jan 2007, 09:45

Suggest you read something like -http://www.hpa.org.uk/radiation/radon/index.htm
Charlbury is in one of the lower bands for the percentage of homes above the action level for Radon (Potentially between 3%-10%), although that is general and not site specific. All that means is that there is a recommendation for testing.
Where did you get the information to suggest that Charlbury was a particular problem and blighted?

Charles Vaughn

Tue 2 Jan 2007, 09:13

Looking at Moving to the area, however I have found information that says parts of North and West Oxfordshire are Blighted with Radon gas and in particular Charlbury. Has anybody had their house tested for Radon gas and if so what was the result?

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