Poster removed from noticeboards

Peter Kenrick

Sat 28 Nov 2015, 08:58 (last edited on Sat 28 Nov 2015, 10:06)

The reality is that Charlbury is a thriving community with so much going on that space on these free notice boards is always at a premium. In many ways this is a great problem to have.

Certainly a little more decorum, respect and care on the part of board users would not come amiss and I would like to urge a few further points of etiquette and restraint for users:
1. Please do not put notices up months ahead of an event - 3 to 4 weeks in advance is ample time.
2. Please remember to remove your posters when no longer relevant - don't rely on others to remove them.
3. Posters that are not date specific (e.g. weekly courses) are problematic. It is not reasonable to expect these to remain in place forever so if you do put one of these up, please be considerate by removing it after 3 to 4 weeks. You can always put up a reminder some months later.
4. Please restrict the size of posters to A4. Putting up larger posters on a free board is disrespectful to others.
5. In view of the demand for space, priority must be given to events in and around Charlbury.
6. The free notice boards are not provided for commercial advertising.
7. Finally PLEASE RESPECT all other legitimate posters when putting up your own.

Thank you and let's celebrate living in such a thriving town!

Jon Carpenter
(site admin)

Thu 26 Nov 2015, 10:29

I notice that people often put their notices up using drawing pins pinched from other posters. I see many posters at the Enstone Road crossroads become very insecure that way.

Jackie Hague

Tue 24 Nov 2015, 12:25

Thank you for your post, Stephen. The ChOC poster was laminated and attached with drawing pins in each corner,
so the removal was deliberate.

stephen cavell

Tue 24 Nov 2015, 07:25

I live at the Enstone X roads. Quite often as I pass the notice board I see posters on the ground and, if in date, I will put them back up. Sometimes it is possible that the wind may have torn them off but, as was the case of the Messiah poster recently I found it 50 or so metres up the Slade. Draw your own conclusions.

Jackie Hague

Mon 23 Nov 2015, 16:21

Well, it has happened again!
The poster advertising The Polar Express screening on 13th December has been removed from the Memorial Hall noticeboard. The noticeboard isn't even full so there is no reason for a poster to be removed prior to an event taking place. Can anyone shed any light on this?

Liz Leffman

Wed 18 Nov 2015, 17:52 (last edited on Wed 18 Nov 2015, 17:53)

I have noticed that the poster that I put up on Enstone Road for the Messiah (Dec 5th) has been removed too.

Jackie Hague

Wed 18 Nov 2015, 14:07

Over the past week, the posters advertising ChOC's next film, The Polar Express, have been removed from the noticeboards at The Memorial Hall, Enstone Road, outside Charlbury School and opposite Londis. I have replaced those in town and will replace the one at Londis when I next go by but would ask that if whoever is responsible reads this, please desist.

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